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. 2024 Oct 23;11:e92. doi: 10.1017/gmh.2024.115

Table 2.

Final predictive models for dimensions of mental health literacy

Variables B S.E. β t p
MHL: Help-seeking R 2 = 0.111, adjusted R 2 = 0.103, F = 15.088, p < 0.001; DW value = 1.892
(Constant) 23.293 .821 28.368 <.001
Gender a −.940 .217 −.125 −4.332 <.001
Religion b .693 .245 .081 2.830 .005
Appearance in the admission test c −.602 .223 −.081 −2.697 .007
Coached by professional coaching centers d −.655 .272 −.072 −2.409 .016
Education background e .254 .128 .057 1.977 .048
Alcohol usage status f −1.351 .395 −.106 −3.424 .001
History of physical health problem f −.625 .302 −.068 −2.073 .038
History of mental health problem f −.735 .301 −.080 −2.442 .015
History of suicide completion in family f −1.491 .365 −.124 −4.084 <.001
MHL: Stigma R 2 = 0.069, adjusted R 2 = 0.061, F = 8.968, p < 0.001; DW value = 1.908
(Constant) 14.090 .488 28.846 <.001
Gender a −.277 .142 −.059 −1.960 .050
Monthly family income (BDT) g −.262 .100 −.081 −2.618 .009
Appearance in the admission test c −.258 .136 −.056 −1.907 .057
Average monthly expenditure (BDT) h .175 .098 .055 1.787 .074
Education background e .168 .081 .060 2.061 .040
Drug usage status f −.576 .243 −.076 −2.368 .018
History of mental health problem in family f −.493 .241 −.069 −2.051 .041
History of suicide attempt in family f −.443 .253 −.063 −1.752 .080
History of suicide completion in family f −.637 .266 −.086 −2.392 .017
MHL: Knowledge about mental health R 2 = 0.127, adjusted R 2 = 0.119, F = 15.811, p < 0.001; DW value = 1.911
(Constant) 6.139 .355 17.270 <.001
Monthly family income (BDT) g −.228 .067 −.103 −3.431 .001
HSC grade point average b .179 .061 .084 2.936 .003
Coached by professional coaching centers d −.188 .112 −.049 −1.670 .095
Average monthly expenditure (BDT) h .137 .065 .062 2.100 .036
Cigarette smoking status f .245 .130 .063 1.877 .061
Drug usage status f −.380 .198 −.073 −1.922 .055
Alcohol usage status f −.442 .194 −.081 −2.273 .023
History of mental health in family f −.271 .158 −.055 −1.713 .087
History of suicide completion in family f −.697 .165 −.136 −4.209 <.001
Depression f −.543 .093 −.172 −5.857 <.001
MHL: Knowledge about mental illness R 2 = 0.137, adjusted R 2 = 0.128, F = 15.657, p < 0.001; DW value = 1.964
(Constant) 4.665 .321 14.531 <.001
Gender a −.290 .078 −.110 −3.703 <.001
Monthly family income (BDT) g −.127 .054 −.070 −2.329 .020
SSC grade point average i .140 .053 .081 2.616 .009
HSC grade point average i .124 .055 .071 2.259 .024
Desired institute/department for admission d .108 .061 .051 1.783 .075
Satisfied with previous mock tests f −.132 .076 −.050 −1.734 .083
Average monthly expenditure .154 .054 .085 2.843 .005
Drug usage status f −.481 .150 −.112 −3.209 .001
Alcohol usage status f −.266 .155 −.060 −1.723 .085
History of suicide completion in family f −.755 .130 −.179 −5.815 .000
Depression f −.174 .077 −.068 −2.280 .023

B: unstandardized regression coefficient; β: standardized regression coefficient.


1 = male, 2 = female.


1 = Muslim, 2 = others.


1 = fresher test-takers, 2 = repeat test-takers.


1 = yes, 2 = no.


1 = science, 2 = commerce, 3 = arts.


1 = no, 2 = yes.


1 = <15,000, 2 = 15,000–30,000, 3 = > 30,000.


1 = <5,000, 2 = 5,000–10,000, 3 = > 10,000.


1 = poor, 2 = moderate, 3 = high.