Table 1.
Results from survey responses regarding head and neck cancer characteristics of the Pan-American notable people.
N | Patients Name | Country | Occupation | Approximated Year of Cancer Diagnoses | Type of Cancer | Anatomical Site of Cancer ¶ | Outcome after Diagnosis and/or Treatment |
1 | Michael Douglas | US | Actor | - | Carcinoma | Oropharynx HPV-mediated (p + 16) | 1 |
2 | Grant Achatz | US | Chef | - | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | Does not know |
3 | Stanley Tucci | US | Artist | - | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | 1 |
4 | Val Kilmer | US | Actor | - | Carcinoma | Oropharynx HPV-mediated (p + 16) | Does not know |
5 | Ebert | US | Writer/Author | - | Carcinoma | Does not know | Death |
6 | Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | Brazil | President | 2010 | Carcinoma | Larynx | 1 |
7 | Heloisa Pericé | Brazil | Artist | 2018 | Adenocarcinoma | Other § | 1 |
8 | Branco Melo | Brazil | Artist | 2019 | Carcinoma | Hypopharynx | 1 |
9 | Guilherme Lemos | Brazil | Researcher, artist | 2015 | Carcinoma | Oropharynx HPV-mediated (p + 16) | 1 |
10 | René Orlando Houseman | Argentina | Athlete | 2018 | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | Death |
11 | Juan Jose Antonio Castelli | Argentina | President | 1810 | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | Death |
12 | Gustavo Garzón | Argentina | Artist | 2012 | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | 1 |
13 | Roberto D’Aubison | El Salvador | Politician | - | Carcinoma | Larynx | Death |
14 | Irma Lozano | Mexico | Artist | - | Carcinoma | Major salivary glands | Death |
15 | Lázaro Cárdenas | Mexico | President | 1970 | Melanoma | Other ‡ | 2 |
16 | Pablo Krögh | Chile | Artist | 2012 | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | Death |
17 | Alberto Fujimori | Peru | President | 1997 | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | 2 |
18 | Martha Liliana Ruiz | Colombia | Artist | 2021 | Carcinoma | Lip and oral cavity | 1 |
¶ According to 8th Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. § Minor salivary gland oral cavity. ‡ Skin. 1 After treatment, the disease was controlled. 2 After treatment, the disease recurred (disease persisted).