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[Preprint]. 2024 Oct 17:2024.10.14.618235. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.10.14.618235

Extended Data Fig. 3. The orientation of transcritical bifurcations and compositional invariance to amino acid depends on the competitive ability of each strain for glucose.

Extended Data Fig. 3.

Three bifurcation maps are provided based on the full model (equation (1)) using a simplified parameter set (Extended Data Table 1) where all parameters are symmetrical between species except for the glucose half saturation constants k13 and k23. Shading between cyan and red maps the steady state community composition to an input of amino acids. Light grey regions with dark grey hashing indicate oscillatory dynamics. Sold black lines represent boundaries between equilibrium coexistence and competitive exclusion. When k13 is less than k23 (left plot), then species 1 (ΔtyrA) is a better competitor for glucose and the region of ΔpheA exclusion is more distinguishing. This community also shows compositional invariance to phenylalanine. The converse is true when k23 is less than k13 (right plot). In the perfectly symmetrical case where k13 is equal to k23 (middle plot), both amino acids affect the community composition, and the regions of competitive exclusion are minor.