sgRNA-expressing lentiviral vectors were applied in HEK293 cells to generate SLC35A1, TM9SF2, and KIAA0319L KO cell lines. (A) Western blotting. Western blotting analysis shows the KO efficiency of scramble control and gene KO cells. β-actin was used as a loading control. (B-D) Luciferase activities in gene KO HEK293 cells. Scramble and gene KO cells were transduced with rAAV5 at an MOI of 20,000 DRP/cell (B), rAAV2 at an MOI of 2,000 DRP/cell (C) or rAAV2.5T at an MOI of 2,000 DRP/cell (D). At 3 dpt, the luciferase activities were measured. Data shown are the averaged luciferase activities relative to the Scramble cells from three replicates [mean plus standard deviation (SD)]. The red dashed line indicates 50% of the luciferase activity in Scramble HEK293 cells. P values were determined by using one-way ANOVA for the comparison of the fold changes in the KO cell groups and the Scramble cell control.