Average lifetime of residue-residue contacts from 6 simulations of
the ProTα-H1 dimer (a) and the dense-phase simulation
(b). Numbers along the bottom and left denote the residue
numbers of ProTα and H1, respectively. Orange rectangles denote the
globular domain (GD) of H1 (residues 22 to 96). Frequency of contacts (i.e.
the number of newly formed contacts by one ProTα per nanosecond)
calculated from dimer and dense phase simulations are shown in
(c), and (d), respectively. Blue and red bars
at the top and on the right side of the plots denote positively and
negatively charged residues of ProTα and H1, respectively. In
general, the N-terminal part of ProTα makes fewer contacts than the
rest of the chain both in the dimer and dense phase simulations (see also
Fig 3e), and the lifetime of those
contacts is on average shorter, especially in the dense-phase simulation. As
is obvious from (d), contacts between oppositely charged
residues are most frequent. White regions in a and
c correspond to reside-residue combinations that were never
formed during the simulations. White regions are particularly frequent in
the GD, since it remains folded during the dimer simulations (Extended Data Fig. 7b). Some of the GD
residues make relatively long-lived contacts, but those contacts are
infrequent. In contrast to the dimer simulations, some residues of the GD do
form contacts with ProTα residues in the dense phase simulation,
since a small fraction of partially unfolded GDs are populated (Extended Data Fig. 7b), as expected from
the low equilibrium stability of the GD(Martinsen et al. 2022; Borgia et
al. 2018). e-h. Residue type-specific contact
lifetime heatmaps. Average lifetimes of residue-residue contacts in the
ProTα-H1 dimer (e) and the dense-phase simulations
(f) classified by residue types. Excess population of
contacts for specific residue pairs in the ProTα-H1 dimer
(g) and in the dense-phase simulation (h) (see
Methods for details).
i. Numbers of contacts for specific residue types in
ProTα (red) and H1 (blue). Residue pairs that are never observed
(white squares) and extremely long-lived pairs (dark blue) in
(e) correspond to residue types that are infrequent in the
ProTα and H1 sequence (compare with i). In the dense
phase, Arg forms contacts that are on average longer-lived than any other
residue (F), in line with the phase separation-promoting role of Arg(Boeynaems et al. 2017; Qamar et al. 2018; Paloni, Bussi, and Barducci 2021; Vernon et al. 2018; Wang et al. 2018). The excess populations (see
Methods) of contacts for specific
residue pairs suggest that the interactions between charged residues are the
most favorable interactions both in the dimer and in the dense-phase
simulations. Note that the oppositely charged residues Glu (most abundant
residue in ProTα) and Lys (most abundant residue in H1) form the
largest number of contacts (g,h) but have lifetimes comparable
to other residue pairs (e,f).