Figure 10.
Representative H&E (a) and Masson’s trichrome (b) staining images of skin wound tissue in different groups (blank, PLLA, CN/PLLA, and CN-MnO2/PLLA) on Day 14 (scale bar: 800 μm) along with local magnification of the epidermis (I), dermis (II), and subcutaneous tissue (III) (Hf, scale bar: 150 μm). Semiquantitative analysis of (c) granulation tissue thickness, (d) inflammatory infiltration, (e) collagen deposition, and (f) epidermal thickness. Representative images were taken from five independent samples (n = 5). The significant difference represent *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01 compare with blank. Hf hair follicle, H&E hematoxylin and eosin, PLLA poly-L-lactic acid, CN graphitic phase carbon nitride, MnO2 manganese dioxide