Figure 1.
CBD-X extract attenuates the differentiation and cytokine release of human T helper 2 (Th2) cells. CBD-X extract was added to isolated differentiated CD4 T cells. Then, Th2 cells were subjected to flow cytometry analysis. CBD-X-treated cells and their control cells were stained with human APC-CD4, BV421- CCR4 and FITC-CCR6. The means and standard deviations of the percentage of Th2 (CCR4+CCR6-) from CD4 population were calculated. (a) The means were calculated from three different experiments of ten healthy donors. Data were analyzed in comparison to differentiated DMSO treatment representative results for CBD-X-treated cells and their control cells are shown (b). Moreover, supernatants were collected and levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL5 (c) and IL-13 (d) were detected via ELISA. The means were calculated from healthy donors (black big dot); each dot represents one case. Data were normalized to differentiated cell groups and analyzed via one-way ANOVA (Fisher’s LSD test with values p < 0.05 considered statistically significant, (* p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001).