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. 2024 Oct 4;12(5):152. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy12050152

Table 1.

Quality assessment screening using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool.

Randomised Controlled Trials
First Author,
Are the Research Questions Clear? Do the Collected Data Address the Research Questions? Is Randomisation Appropriately Performed? Are the Groups Comparable at Baseline? Are There Complete Outcome Data? Are Outcome Assessors Blinded to the Intervention Provided? Did the Participants Adhere to the Assigned Intervention? Comments
2010 [23]
Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Can’t tell Can’t tell Yes Does not describe how the randomisation schedule was generated.
Quantitative non-randomised
First author,
Are the Research Questions Clear? Do the Collected Data Allow the Research Questions? Are the Participants Representative of the Target Population? Are Measurements Appropriate Regarding Both the Outcome and Intervention (or Exposure)? Are There Complete Outcome Data? Are the Confounders Accounted for in the Design and Analysis? During the Study Period, Was the Intervention Administered (or Exposure Occurred) as Intended? Comments
2017 [18]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell—see comment Yes Individuals were excluded if they had a prescription for pain, but 22% of the sample were prescribed pregabalin.
2021 [21]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell—see comment Yes Possible selection bias, as they excluded all in continuous MMT prior to study start date.
2019 [22]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes
2019 [24]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes
2014 [25]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes—per protocol Cannot tell Yes Clinical setting, observational study, unable to follow up patients who dropped out.
2020 [28]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes -
2009 [29]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Did not compare OAT vs. OAT and BZD.
2013 [30]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
2020 [31]
Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Yes Yes Yes A broader population, not just OAT patients.
2003 [32]
Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes
2021 [33]
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Case–controlled.
Quantitative descriptive
First author,
Are the Research Questions Clear? Do the Collected Data Allow the Research Questions? Is the Sampling Strategy Relevant to Address the Research Question? Is the Sample Representative of the Target Population? Are the Measurements Appropriate? Is the Risk of Nonresponse Bias Low? Is the Statistical Analysis Appropriate to Answer the Research Question? Comments
Bakker and Streel, 2017 [19] Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell (as it is a practice population) Yes Yes Yes Studied all OAT patients in one practice, not representative of wider population.
Inferential tests limited to retention analysis (t-tests).
2002 [20]
Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes No Cannot tell (see comment) Attrition bias possible (24%).
Does not explicitly state which analyses were used.12
2013 [26]
Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Yes Does not mention sampling method.
Patients in one Serbian drug treatment centre; excluded patients with severe physical disease, mental disorders and polysubstance dependence.
Unclear how side-effects (besides QTc) were measured.
2017 [27]
Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes No Yes 30 patients enrolled in study; 17 patients present six months after starting MMT.