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. 2024 Oct 15;9(10):243. doi: 10.3390/tropicalmed9100243
Abs Antibodies
AbD Antibody detection
Ag Antigen
AgD Antigen detection
CATSH CRISPR-assisted diagnostic test for S. haematobium
CAA Circulating anodic antigen
CCA Circulating cathodic antigen
DDIA Dipstick dye immunoassay
FABP Fatty acid-binding protein
GICA Gold immunochromatography assay
FGS Female genital schistosomiasis
GLA-SE Glucopyranosyl lipid A in squalene emulsion
GTPs Glucose transporter proteins
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
ICT Immunochromatography test
ItS Intestinal schistosomiasis
KKT Kato–Katz technique
LAI Long-acting injectable
LAMP Loop-mediated isothermal amplification
LGIM Lower gastrointestinal mucosa (LGIM)
MHT Miracidium hatching test
PCR Polymerase chain reaction
PCT Preventive chemotherapy
POC Point of care
POCT Point-of-care test
PZQ Praziquantel
RDTs Rapid diagnostic tests
RPA Recombinase polymerase amplification
SAC School-aged children
SCC Squamous cell carcinoma
Sh28GST S. haematobium 28 kDa Glutathione S-Transferases
SHERLOCK Specific high-sensitivity enzymatic reporter unlocking
Sm23 Surface membrane 23 kDa
Smp80 Schistosoma mansoni calpain
SmTSPs Schistosoma mansoni tetraspanin
UGS Urogenital schistosomiasis
UCP-LF CAA Up-converting particle lateral flow circulating anodic antigen
WHO World Health Organization