Table 3.
Ant species cited for DRC.
Subfamily | Genus | Species | Notes | Provinces | Reference |
Apomyrminae | Apomyrma | Apomyrmastygia Brown, Gotwald & Levieux, 1971 | KL | Boudinot (2015) | |
Dolichoderinae | Axinidris | Axinidrisdenticulata (Wheeler, 1922) | EQ, NK, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Shattuck (1991), Shattuck (1994), Snelling (2007) | |
Dolichoderinae | Axinidris | Axinidrishypoclinoides (Santschi, 1919) | TO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007), Snelling (2007) | |
Dolichoderinae | Tapinoma | Tapinomaluridum Emery, 1908 | SA | Emery (1908), Wheeler (1922b), Shattuck (1994) | |
Dolichoderinae | Tapinoma | Tapinomaluridumlongiceps Wheeler, 1922 | NU, SU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Shattuck (1994), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Dolichoderinae | Tapinoma | Tapinomaschultzei (Forel, 1910) | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Shattuck (1994) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexalbipes (Smith, 1861) | BC, KN | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexandrei Emery, 1899 | BU, HU, IT, KN, MA, NK, TO | Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexcamerunensis Emery, 1899 | KN | Emery (1899) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexilgi (Forel, 1910) | KL | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexlasiops Bolton, 2007 | IT | Bolton (2007) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexlaurenti (Emery, 1899) | BU, IT, MA, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexlujae (Forel, 1905) | BU, EQ, KL, KS, SA, TO | Forel (1905), Forel (1911b), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a), Santschi (1930a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexmetandrei Bolton, 2007 | IT | Bolton (2007) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexmoerens Santschi, 1913 | BC, IT, KN, KS, MN, TO | Wheeler (1922b), Karavaiev (1926), Santschi (1930a), Weber (1943), Baroni Urbani (1977), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexnigriventris Santschi, 1910 | BC, KN, KS | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexpallipes (Smith, 1876) | KS | Santschi (1930a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexparviflavus Bolton, 2007 | IT | Bolton (2007) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexrusticus Santschi, 1930 | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1930a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007) |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexschoutedeni Forel, 1910 | SA, TO | Forel (1910b), Emery (1913), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Shattuck (1994), Bolton (2007) | |
Dolichoderinae | Technomyrmex | Technomyrmexsenex Bolton, 2007 | MA | Bolton (2007) | |
Dorylinae | Aenictogiton | Aenictogitonattenuatus Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | HK, HL | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictogiton | Aenictogitonbequaerti Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictogiton | Aenictogitonelongatus Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | BC | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictogiton | Aenictogitonemeryi Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK, TA | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictogiton | Aenictogitonfossiceps Emery, 1901 | - | Emery (1901), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Aenictogiton | Aenictogitonschoutedeni Santschi, 1924 | Endemic | KS | Santschi (1924a), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictogiton | Aenictogitonsulcatus Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | TA | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictusalluaudifalcifer Santschi, 1924 | Endemic | IT, NK | Santschi (1924a), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictusbuttgenbachi Forel, 1913 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictuscongolensis Santschi, 1911 | BC | Baroni Urbani (1977) | |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictuseugenii Emery, 1895 | BC, HK, NK, SK | Santschi (1924a), Gotwald and Cunningham-Van Someren (1976), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016), Gómez (2022) | |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictusfuscovarius Gerstäcker, 1859 | HK | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a) | |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictusmoebiisankisianus Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictusraptor Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK | Forel (1913a), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictussoudanicusbrunneus Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Aenictus | Aenictusweissi Santschi, 1910 | IT, NU | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016),Gómez (2022) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusacutus Santschi, 1937 | Endemic | - | Santschi (1939), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusaffinis Shuckard, 1840 | BC, KN, SA | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Arnold (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusaggressor Santschi, 1923 | Endemic | KC | Santschi (1923), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusalluaudilobatus Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | EQ, LO | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusatratus Smith, 1859 | BC, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusatriceps Shuckard, 1840 | BC, HU, TO | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusattenuatuslatinodis Forel, 1920 | Endemic | TO | Forel (1920), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusattenuatus Shuckard, 1840 | BC, HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1939) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusbequaerti Forel, 1913 | BC, HK, HL, SU | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusbraunsi Emery, 1895 | BC, KN | Emery (1895), Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusbrevipennismarshalli Emery, 1901 | HU | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusbrevipenniszimmermanni Santschi, 1910 | - | Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusbrevis Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluscongolensis Santschi, 1910 | BC, KN | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusconradti Emery, 1895 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusdepilisclarior Santschi, 1917 | SU | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusdepilis Emery, 1895 | BC, BU, HK, HL, HU, KL, LU, MA, MO, SA, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusdepilisugandensis Santschi, 1914 | HU | Santschi (1923) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusemeryi Mayr, 1896 | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusemeryiopacus Forel, 1909 | BC, HU | Forel (1909), Emery (1910), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfimbriatus (Shuckard, 1840) | HK, SA | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfulvusbadius Gerstäcker, 1859 | BC, KS, MA, NK, SA | Stitz (1911), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935b), Prins (1963) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfulvusdentifrons Wasmann, 1904 | IT, SA, TO | Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Santschi (1931), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfulvusobscurior Wheeler, 1925 | HU, SK, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfunereusacherontus Santschi, 1937 | EQ | Santschi (1937b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfunereus Emery, 1895 | BC, EQ, HU, KS, MN, SA, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfunereuspardus Santschi, 1937 | Endemic | TO | Santschi (1937b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusfunereusstygis Santschi, 1937 | HK | Santschi (1937b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusgaudens Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | IT | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusgribodoi Emery, 1892 | KS, SA | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylushelvolus (Linnaeus, 1764) | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluskatanensis Stitz, 1911 | Endemic | NK | Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluskohlichapini Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluskohlifrenisyi Forel, 1916 | Endemic | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluskohliindocilis Santschi, 1933 | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1933), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluskohlilangi Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluskohlimilitaris Santschi, 1923 | Endemic | MO, TO | Santschi (1923), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluskohli Wasmann, 1904 | BC, BU, HU, SA, TO | Santschi (1921), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1933), van Boven (1968), Baroni Urbani (1977), Schöning et al. (2008), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusmandibularispulchellus Santschi, 1920 | BC, KN, SA, TO | Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusmoestusclaripennis Santschi, 1919 | HK, KG, KS | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusmoestus Emery, 1895 | BC, BU, KN, MO, SA, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1913c), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Santschi (1923), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusniarembensis (van Boven, 1972) | Endemic | IT | van Boven (1972), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusnigricansarcens (Westwood, 1847) | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusnigricansburmeisteri (Shuckard, 1840) | BC, EQ, SU, TO | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusnigricans Illiger, 1802 | BC, HK, KN, SU, TA | Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusnigricansmolestus (Gerstäcker, 1859) | NK | Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusnigricansrubellus (Savage, 1849) | BC, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusnigricanssjostedti Emery, 1899 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusnigricansterrificus Santschi, 1923 | SA, SK | Santschi (1923), van Boven (1967a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluspolitus Emery, 1901 | BC, MN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1933) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylussavagei Emery, 1895 | BC | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusschoutedeni Santschi, 1923 | Endemic | BC, KL, MN | Santschi (1923), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusstadelmanni Emery, 1895 | - | Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusstanleyi Forel, 1909 | HK, IT | Forel (1909), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935b), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylusstaudingeri Emery, 1895 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylustermitarius Wasmann, 1911 | Endemic | TO | Wheeler (1922b), van Boven (1967b), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylustitan Santschi, 1923 | EQ, SA | Santschi (1923), Santschi (1933), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Dorylustitanvinalli Santschi, 1933 | Endemic | EQ, MO | Santschi (1933), Baroni Urbani (1977), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Dorylus | Doryluswilverthi Emery, 1899 | BC, BU, EQ, HU, IT, KN, KS, MO, NK, SA, SK, SU, TO | Emery (1899), Forel (1909), Stitz (1910), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Wheeler (1943), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Lioponera | Lioponeraforeli (Santschi, 1914) | IT, MA, SK, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1975) | |
Dorylinae | Lioponera | Lioponerankomoensis (Forel, 1916) | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1975), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Parasyscia | Parasysciacenturio (Brown, 1975) | NK, SK | Brown (1975), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Parasyscia | Parasysciacribrinodis Emery, 1899 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Dorylinae | Parasyscia | Parasyscianitidulus (Brown, 1975) | TO | Weber (1949a), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Simopone | Simoponeannettae Kutter, 1976 | TO | Bolton and Fisher (2012) | |
Dorylinae | Simopone | Simoponebrunnea Bolton & Fisher, 2012 | IT | Bolton and Fisher (2012) | |
Dorylinae | Simopone | Simoponeconradti Emery, 1899 | KN | Bolton and Fisher (2012) | |
Dorylinae | Simopone | Simoponefulvinodis Santschi, 1923 | Endemic | BC | Santschi (1923), Bolton and Fisher (2012), Borowiec (2016) |
Dorylinae | Simopone | Simoponegrandis Santschi, 1923 | KS, MN | Santschi (1923), Brown (1975), Bolton and Fisher (2012), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Simopone | Simoponeschoutedeni Santschi, 1923 | KS, TO | Santschi (1923), Brown (1975), Bolton and Fisher (2012), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Simopone | Simoponewilburi Weber, 1949 | IT, NK | Weber (1949a), Bolton and Fisher (2012), Borowiec (2016) | |
Dorylinae | Vicinopone | Vicinoponeconciliatrix (Bronw, 1975) | TO | Brown (1975), Bolton and Fisher (2012) | |
Dorylinae | Zasphinctus | Zasphinctussarowiwai Hita Garcia, 2017 | IT | Hita Garcia et al. (2017b) | |
Formicinae | Anoplolepis | Anoplolepiscarinata (Emery, 1899) | BC, HU, TO | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Anoplolepis | Anoplolepiscustodiens (Smith, 1858) | BC | Emery (1899), Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963) | |
Formicinae | Anoplolepis | Anoplolepisfallax (Mayr, 1865) | MO | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Anoplolepis | Anoplolepiskohli (Forel, 1916) | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Lapolla and Fisher (2014) | |
Formicinae | Anoplolepis | Anoplolepistenella (Santschi, 1911) | BC, BU, HU, TO | Forel (1909), Santschi (1911), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Aphomomyrmex | Aphomomyrmexafer Emery, 1899 | BC, SA | Snelling (1979) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusaberrans Mayr, 1895 | TA | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusacvapimensis Mayr, 1862 | BC, BU, EQ, HU, KN, LU, MN, SU, TO, TU | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusaequatorialiskohli Forel, 1915 | Endemic | TO | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusaequatorialis Roger, 1863 | TO | Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusargus Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | MO | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusatriscapus Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | EQ | Santschi (1926b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusauropubens Forel, 1894 | TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusbarbarossamicipsa Wheeler, 1922 | KN, MN | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusbarbarossasulcatinasis Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | BC, HU, IT | Santschi (1926b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusbayeri Forel, 1913 | HU, TA | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusbraunsi Mayr, 1895 | KN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusbrutus Forel, 1886 | BC, BU, EQ, HL, HU, IT, KN, KS, MO, NK, SA, SU, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Wheeler (1925), Santschi (1935a), Weber (1943), Weber (1964) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusbuchneri Forel, 1886 | EQ, HU, KS, MA, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusburgeoni Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | HU, KS | Santschi (1926b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuscaesar Forel, 1886 | HK, HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuscaesar imperator Emery, 1899 | MA, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuscarbo Emery, 1877 | - | Levieux (1972) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuschapiniganzii Weber, 1943 | - | Weber (1943) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuschapini Wheeler, 1922 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Levieux (1972) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuschrysurusacutisquamis Mayr, 1902 | BC | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuschrysurusapellis Santschi, 1911 | BC, SU | Forel (1911b), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuschrysurus Gerstäcker, 1871 | BC, HK, HL, KN, TO, TU | Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1915), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuschrysurusyvonnae Forel, 1920 | Endemic | TO | Forel (1920), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuscinctellus (Gerstäcker, 1859) | EQ, KN, MO, SU, TU | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusconfluensbequaerti Forel, 1913 | HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusconfluens Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuscongolensis Emery, 1899 | BC, HK, HU, KN, NK | Emery (1899), Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Menozzi (1932) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuscongolensisweissi Santschi, 1911 | BC | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuscosmicus (Smith, 1858) | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusetiolipes Bolton, 1995 | HL, IT, NK | Stitz (1911), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuseugeniaeamplior Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HL, MA | Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusferreriakka Forel, 1916 | Endemic | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusflavomarginatus Mayr, 1862 | BC, BU, HU, SA | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusflorius Santschi, 1926 | BC | Santschi (1933) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusforaminosus Forel, 1879 | HU, KN, TO | Stitz (1910), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusfulvopilosus (De Geer, 1778) | HK | Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusfurvus Santschi, 1911 | KS | Santschi (1933) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusguttatus Emery, 1899 | SU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotushaereticus Santschi, 1914 | EQ | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuslangijejunus Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | TA | Santschi (1926a) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuslangi Wheeler, 1922 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuslilianaecornutus Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuslilianae Forel, 1913 | HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuslongipalpis Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | KS | Santschi (1926b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusmaculatus (Fabricius, 1782) | BU, HK, HU, NK, SU, TA | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Santschi (1915), Stitz (1916), Emery (1920), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Weber (1943), Prins (1963) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusmaguassa Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusmassinissa Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusmaynei Forel, 1916 | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusmayri Forel, 1879 | NK | Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1964) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusoculatior Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | KN | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusolivieridelagoensis Forel, 1894 | BC | Forel (1909) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusolivieri Forel, 1886 | KN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusolivierilemma Forel, 1886 | BC, KN, TU | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusolivieriosiris Forel, 1911 | Endemic | KN, MO | Forel (1911b), Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusolivierisorptus Santschi, 1915 | Endemic | BC, EQ, KN, MN, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusparadoxus (Mayr, 1866) | Endemic | TO | Van De Perre et al. (2018) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusperrisiidensipunctatus Stitz, 1916 | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusperrisiijucundus Santschi, 1911 | BC, HU, KN, MN, NU, SU | Santschi (1911), Santschi (1913b), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Wheeler (1936) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusperrisiinigeriensis Santschi, 1914 | TA | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuspolyrhachioides Emery, 1898 | BC, EQ, MN, MO | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuspompeiuscassius Wheeler, 1922 | HU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuspompeius Forel, 1886 | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuspompeiusiota Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | BU | Santschi (1926a) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuspompeiusmarius Emery, 1899 | BU, HU, KN, SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusposticus Santschi, 1926 | TA | Santschi (1926a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusprosulcatus Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuspuberulus Emery, 1897 | IT, KN | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusrotundinodis Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | MO | Santschi (1935a), Weber (1943) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusroubaudi Santschi, 1911 | NK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusrufoglaucuscontroversus Santschi, 1916 | HK | Santschi (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusrufoglaucussyphax Wheeler, 1922 | BC, SU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotussankisianus Forel, 1913 | BC, HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Santschi (1913b), Wheeler (1922b), Arnold (1946) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusschoutedeni Forel, 1911 | BC, KN, MN, MO, NK | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotussericeus (Fabricius, 1798) | BU, HK, HU, NK, SK, SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963), Prins (1964), Weber (1964) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotussericeussulgeri Santschi, 1913 | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotussimus Emery, 1908 | SA | Emery (1908), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotussimusmanidis Forel, 1909 | Endemic | BC | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotussolon Forel, 1886 | BC, BU, HK, HU, KN, KS, MA, SA, SU, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1910b), Stitz (1910), Forel (1913c), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotussolonjugurtha Emery, 1925 | Endemic | TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvestitus (Smith, 1858) | HK, TA | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvestitusanthracinus Santschi, 1930 | SA | Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvestitusintuens Santschi, 1926 | IT, KN | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvestituslujai Santschi, 1930 | SA | Santschi (1930a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvividus (Smith, 1858) | BC, EQ, HK, KN, SA, SU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Weber (1964), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvividuscato Forel, 1913 | BC, BU, HL, HU, MN, TO | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926c), Santschi (1935a), Weber (1943) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvividusmeinerti Forel, 1886 | BC, EQ, KN, KS, SA, SU | Santschi (1910), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Santschi (1926c), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvividusreginae Forel, 1901 | HK, SA | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvividussemidepilis Wheeler, 1922 | BC, HU, KN | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926c) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotusvulpus Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1926b) |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuswellmani Forel, 1909 | HK, HU, NK, TA, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuswellmanigamma Santschi, 1926 | KL | Santschi (1926a) | |
Formicinae | Camponotus | Camponotuswellmanirufipartis Forel, 1916 | Endemic | HU | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotaalbata (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | KS | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotaambigua (Santschi, 1935) | HU | Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacacozela (Stitz, 1916) | HU, MO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacanescens (Emery, 1897) | BC, KN, SK, TO | Forel (1911b), Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacanescenslatior (Santschi, 1935) | HU | Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacapensis (Mayr, 1862) | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacapensisanceps (Forel, 1916) | HU, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacapensisguineensis (Mayr, 1902) | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacapensissimplicoides (Forel, 1907) | BC, HL | Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacapensisspecularis (Santschi, 1935) | HU, SU | Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacapitata (Forel, 1913) | Endemic | HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacarbonaria (Emery, 1892) | BC, IT, SK, TO | Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Finzi (1939) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotacurta (Emery, 1897) | MO | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Finzi (1939) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotagerardi (Santschi, 1915) | Endemic | TA | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotahirsuta (Santschi, 1914) | KS | Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotahirsutasetosella (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | BC, KN, MN | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotaimperfectacongolensis (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | MO | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotaincisa (Forel, 1913) | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Prins (1964) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotanigrisetosa (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | KS | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotaoculata (Santschi, 1935) | HU | Santschi (1935a), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotapalpalis (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | BC | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotapiliscapa (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotapiliscapalongipilosa (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | TA | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotapiliscapapunctifrons (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | MO | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotaschoutedeni (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | HU | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotasubmetallica (Arnold, 1920) | KS | Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotatenuipilis (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | BC | Santschi (1935a) |
Formicinae | Lepisiota | Lepisiotavalidiuscula (Emery, 1897) | BC, HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Santschi (1935a) | |
Formicinae | Nylanderia | Nylanderialepida (Santschi, 1915) | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Lapolla et al. (2011) | |
Formicinae | Nylanderia | Nylanderiamendica (Menozzi, 1942) | IT | Lapolla et al. (2011) | |
Formicinae | Nylanderia | Nylanderiavividula (Nylander, 1846) | BU | Wheeler (1922a) | |
Formicinae | Nylanderia | Nylanderiawaelbroecki (Emery, 1899) | Endemic | KN | Emery (1899), Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Wheeler (1922b), Lapolla et al. (2011) |
Formicinae | Oecophylla | Oecophyllalonginoda (Latreille, 1802) | BC, BU, EQ, HL, HU, IT, KC, KL, KN, KS, MA, MN, MO, NK, SA, SK, SU, TO, TU | Forel (1909), Santschi (1910), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Weber (1949a), Wetterer (2017a), Wetterer (2017b), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Formicinae | Oecophylla | Oecophyllalonginodaannectens Wheeler, 1922 | BC, HU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Cole and Jones (1948) | |
Formicinae | Oecophylla | Oecophyllalonginodafusca Emery, 1899 | HU, SU, TO | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Cole and Jones (1948) | |
Formicinae | Oecophylla | Oecophyllalonginodarubriceps Wheeler, 1922 | BC, BU, TO | Santschi (1919a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Cole and Jones (1948) | |
Formicinae | Oecophylla | Oecophyllalonginodarufescens Santschi, 1928 | HU, MO | Santschi (1928b) | |
Formicinae | Oecophylla | Oecophyllalonginodataeniata Santschi, 1928 | Endemic | KL | Santschi (1928b) |
Formicinae | Paraparatrechina | Paraparatrechinabufona (Wheeler, 1922) | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber and Anderson (1950), Lapolla (2004) | |
Formicinae | Paraparatrechina | Paraparatrechinasubtilis (Santschi, 1920) | IT | Lapolla et al. (2010) | |
Formicinae | Paraparatrechina | Paraparatrechinaweissi (Santschi, 1910) | BU, HU, IT | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber and Anderson (1950), Brown (1957b), Lapolla (2004) | |
Formicinae | Paratrechina | Paratrechinalongicornis (Latreille, 1802) | Exotic | BC, IT, KN, KS, MN, SU, TO | Forel (1901b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Wetterer (2008b) |
Formicinae | Plagiolepis | Plagiolepisexigua Forel, 1894 | Endemic | HL | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Finzi (1939) |
Formicinae | Plagiolepis | Plagiolepismediorufa Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Plagiolepis | Plagiolepispuncta Forel, 1910 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisaerope Wheeler, 1922 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisalexisi Forel, 1916 | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisalluaudi Emery, 1892 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisconcava André, 1889 | BC, BU, HU, IT, KL, KN, MN, TO, TU | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachiscornuta Stitz, 1910 | Endemic | KN | Stitz (1910), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachiscurta André, 1890 | KN | Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisdecemdentata André, 1889 | BC, EQ, HU, KN, KS, MO, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisepinotalis Santschi, 1924 | BC, HK, NK, SK | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisesarata Bolton, 1973 | BC | Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisfissa Mayr, 1902 | BC, KS, MA, MN | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisgagates Smith, 1858 | BC, HL, KG, KL, KN, LO, MA, MN, NK, SU, TA | Forel (1909), Santschi (1910), Forel (1910b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913b), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963), Prins (1964), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachiskohli Forel, 1916 | Endemic | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Rigato (2016) |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachislaboriosa Smith, 1858 | BC, EQ, HU, KN, KS, LO, LU, MN, MO, SA, TO, TU | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachislatispina Emery, 1925 | EQ, HU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachislauta Santschi, 1910 | KN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachislimitis Santschi, 1939 | MA | Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachismilitaris (Fabricius, 1782) | BC, BU, EQ, HK, HL, HU, IT, KC, KL, KN, LO, LU, MA, MN, MO, NK, SA, SK, SU, TA, TO, TU | Forel (1909), Stitz (1911), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Wheeler (1925), Bernard (1953), Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachismonista Santschi, 1910 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisnigrita Mayr, 1895 | BU, MO | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisotleti Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisrevoili André, 1887 | BC, KS, SA | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisrufipalpis Santschi, 1910 | BC, KS, MN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisschistacea (Gerstäcker, 1859) | BC, BU, HK, HL, HU, IT, KC, KL, KN, KS, LO, LU, MA, MN, NK, NU, SA, SK, SU, TA, TO | Forel (1910b), Santschi (1910), Stitz (1910), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Santschi (1913b), Santschi (1914), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Santschi (1933), Weber (1943), Prins (1963), Prins (1964), Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisspinicola Forel, 1894 | - | Prins (1964) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisspitteleri Forel, 1916 | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachissulcata André, 1895 | - | Wheeler (1922b) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisviscosa Smith, 1858 | HU, KL, MN | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisvolkarti Forel, 1916 | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachisweissi Santschi, 1910 | HU, SA, TO | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1973), Rigato (2016), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Formicinae | Polyrhachis | Polyrhachiswellmani Forel, 1909 | HK | Bolton (1973) | |
Formicinae | Santschiella | Santschiellakohli Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Atopomyrmex | Atopomyrmexcryptoceroides Emery, 1892 | BC, EQ, HK, IT, KS, SA, SU, TO | Forel (1911a), Forel (1913a), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1981a), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Atopomyrmex | Atopomyrmexmocquerysi André, 1889 | BC, BU, EQ, HL, HU, MN, MO, SA, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1981a), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Bondroitia | Bondroitialujae (Forel, 1909) | KC, SA | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Calyptomyrmex | Calyptomyrmexbrevis Weber, 1943 | IT, NK | Weber (1952b), Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Calyptomyrmex | Calyptomyrmexclavatus Weber, 1952 | TO | Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Calyptomyrmex | Calyptomyrmexduhun Bolton, 1981 | NK | Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Calyptomyrmex | Calyptomyrmexnummuliticus Santschi, 1914 | IT, NK | Weber (1952b), Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Calyptomyrmex | Calyptomyrmexpiripilis Santschi, 1923 | IT, NK, SU, TA | Santschi (1923), Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Calyptomyrmex | Calyptomyrmexrennefer Bolton, 1981 | NK, SK | Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Calyptomyrmex | Calyptomyrmexshasu Bolton, 1981 | NK | Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Cardiocondyla | Cardiocondylaemeryi Forel, 1881 | BC, KN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Smith (1944), Weber (1952b), Wetterer (2012a) | |
Myrmicinae | Cardiocondyla | Cardiocondylashuckardi Forel, 1891 | NK | Weber (1952b), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraacuta (Weber, 1952) | Endemic | TO | Weber (1952b) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraamplacincta Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | HK | Santschi (1926a) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraamplaobscurithorax Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | HK | Santschi (1926a) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraamplarugosa Santschi, 1928 | HK | Santschi (1928b) | |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraampla Santschi, 1912 | Endemic | - | Santschi (1912), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraangolensis (Santschi, 1914) | - | Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraangolensiscongolensis (Forel, 1916) | Endemic | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebarafrontalis (Weber, 1950) | Endemic | IT | Weber (1950) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebarajunodi Forel, 1904 | EQ, HK, HL, KC | Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Wheeler (1936) | |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaralangi Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaralatro (Santschi, 1937) | Endemic | EQ | Santschi (1937a), Weber (1950) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaramadibai Fischer & Azorsa, 2014 | - | Fischer et al. (2014) | |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaraosborni Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Wheeler (1936) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebarapetulca (Wheeler, 1922) | Endemic | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Wheeler (1936) |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaratermitolestes (Wheeler, 1918) | BC, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Wheeler (1936), Weber (1943), Bolton and Belshaw (1993), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Carebara | Carebaravidua Smith, 1858 | HK, HU, IT | Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusbequaerti Forel, 1913 | EQ, HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusbrevisetosus Forel, 1901 | BC, KN, SA | Bolton (1974a) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuscestus Bolton, 1982 | Endemic | IT | Bolton (1982) |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusegenus Santschi, 1911 | HU, IT, KN, KS, MN, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Santschi (1930a), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuselongatus Santschi, 1924 | EQ | Santschi (1924a) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuserinaceus Stitz, 1910 | BU, EQ, HU, KN, KS, LO, MA, MN, MO, NK, SA, SU, TO, TU | Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Santschi (1917), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusgreggi Bolton, 1974 | IT, TO | Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusguineensis Smith, 1853 | BC, BU, EQ, HU, IT, KL, KN, KS, MN, MO, NK, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacushuberi André, 1890 | EQ, HK, HU, IT, KS, MA, MN, MO, SU, TO | Santschi (1910), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Wheeler (1925), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusinermis Santschi, 1924 | Endemic | KS | Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusjeanneli Santschi, 1914 | TO | Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuskohli Mayr, 1895 | BC, EQ, HU, KS, MN, MO, TO | Santschi (1924a), Santschi (1930a), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuslobatus Mayr, 1895 | SA | Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuslujae Forel, 1911 | HK, HL, HU, KS, SA, TO | Forel (1911a), Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusmocquerysi André, 1889 | BC | Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuspilosus Santschi, 1920 | TO | Santschi (1920b), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuspullus Santschi, 1910 | BC, EQ, TO | Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacuspygmaeus André, 1890 | BC, HU, IT, KN, KS, LU, MA, MN, MO, SA, SK, TO | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusstriativentris Santschi, 1924 | HU, NU | Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacustardus Santschi, 1914 | BC, KN, MN, TO | Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacustheobromicola Santschi, 1939 | Endemic | HU | Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982) |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacustraegaordhi Santschi, 1914 | BC, IT, KN, MN, MO, TO | Santschi (1924a), Bernard (1953), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusvorticus Bolton, 1974 | BC | Bolton (1974a) | |
Myrmicinae | Cataulacus | Cataulacusweissi Santschi, 1913 | BC, KN, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Santschi (1935b), Bolton (1974a), Bolton (1982), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasteracaciaegloriosa Santschi, 1914 | Endemic | BC | Santschi (1914), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasteracaciaevictoriosa Santschi, 1916 | SU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricanaalligatrix Forel, 1911 | BC, KS, SA, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricanacamena Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricana Mayr, 1895 | BC, KS, SA | Forel (1909), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricanaschumanni Mayr, 1895 | KN | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricanastanleyi Wheeler, 1922 | IT, SA | Forel (1911b), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricanastolonis Santschi, 1937 | Endemic | SA | Santschi (1937a) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricanathoracica Santschi, 1921 | Endemic | SA | Santschi (1921) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterafricanatibialis Wheeler, 1922 | NK | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterambigua Santschi, 1926 | EQ | Santschi (1926a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterangusticeps Santschi, 1911 | - | Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterbequaertiatraplex Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterbequaerti Forel, 1913 | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1964), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterbequaertigerardi Santschi, 1915 | Endemic | TA | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterbequaertiludia Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterbuchnericomposita Santschi, 1933 | Endemic | SA | Santschi (1933) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterbuchnerigraeteri Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterbuchneriuasina Santschi, 1935 | - | Santschi (1935b) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercastaneaanalis Santschi, 1910 | BC, TO | Forel (1910b), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercastaneabusschodtsi Emery, 1899 | BC, KC, KN | Emery (1899), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928a), Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1935a), Prins (1964), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercastaneainversa Forel, 1907 | SA | Forel (1911b), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercastaneamediorufa Forel, 1907 | - | Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercastanearufonigra Emery, 1895 | HK | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercastanea Smith, 1858 | SA | Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercastaneayambatensis Forel, 1913 | Endemic | MO | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterclariventrisbiimpressa Mayr, 1895 | MN, NK, SA | Santschi (1921), Santschi (1933) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterclariventris Mayr, 1895 | EQ, KS, SA, TO | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1933), Santschi (1935a), Santschi (1935b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastercoelestis Santschi, 1911 | KS, SA | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterconcava Emery, 1899 | BU, EQ, KG, KN, KS, TO | Emery (1899), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterdepressa (Latreille, 1802) | BC, SA | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterdepressafuscipennis Emery, 1899 | BC, BU, EQ, HL, HU, KN, NU, TO | Emery (1899), Forel (1909), Santschi (1910), Forel (1910b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterexcisabomaella Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | BC | Santschi (1935a) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterexcisa Mayr, 1895 | BC, HU, KL, MN, SU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterflaviventris Santschi, 1910 | HU, KL, SA | Santschi (1910), Santschi (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Weber (1943), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterforaminicepsstaitchi Forel, 1915 | Endemic | IT | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastergabonensis Emery, 1899 | BC, EQ, HL, MA | Santschi (1926a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastergabonensisfuscitatis Forel, 1913 | Endemic | EQ, KN, KS, SA | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastergambiensis André, 1889 | IT | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastergambiensissejuncta Stitz, 1916 | Endemic | HU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastergerstaeckerikohliella Santschi, 1918 | Endemic | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastergerstaeckerioraclum Forel, 1913 | HL, LU | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastergratiosa Santschi, 1926 | MA | Santschi (1926a), Santschi (1930a), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterimpressa Emery, 1899 | BC, HU, KN, MA, NK, TO | Emery (1899), Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Santschi (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterimpressamaynei Forel, 1913 | Endemic | KN | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterimpressasapora Forel, 1916 | Endemic | HU | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterimpressicepsfrontalis Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterimpressicepslongiscapa Stitz, 1916 | Endemic | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterimpressicepslujana Forel, 1915 | Endemic | SA | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterimpressiceps Mayr, 1902 | BC, HU, KS, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterjuventa Santschi, 1926 | BC, MN | Santschi (1926a), Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterkasaiensis Forel, 1913 | KS, SA, TO | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterkneri Mayr, 1862 | - | Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterkohli Forel, 1909 | IT, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterkohliwinkleri Forel, 1909 | EQ, HU, KS, MN, SA | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913b), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterlaurenti Forel, 1909 | MN, SA, TO | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterlaurentizeta Emery, 1922 | Endemic | KN, MA, SA, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterlibengensisrufula Santschi, 1926 | TO | Santschi (1926a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterlibengensis Stitz, 1916 | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterlotti Weber, 1943 | KN | Weber (1964) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterluctansliebknechti Forel, 1915 | Endemic | EQ, HU, TO | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1933), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastermargaritaebrevarmata Forel, 1915 | Endemic | MO, SA | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1935a), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Blaimer (2012) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastermargaritaecupida Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | KS | Santschi (1935a), Blaimer (2012) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastermargaritaelujae Forel, 1913 | Endemic | KS, SA | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Blaimer (2012) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastermenilekiiproserpina Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastermenilekiisatan Forel, 1916 | Endemic | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastermenilekiispuria Forel, 1913 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastermuralti Forel, 1910 | KL, KS, MN, TO | Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1935a), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasternigeriensiswilnigra Forel, 1916 | Endemic | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasternigrans Forel, 1915 | TO | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasteropacicepsclepens Forel, 1913 | Endemic | KN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterpauciseta Emery, 1899 | TO | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Braet and Taylor (2008), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterpaucisetagrossulior Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterpetiolidens Forel, 1916 | Endemic | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterpseudinermis Viehmeyer, 1923 | KN, KS, MN, MO | Santschi (1926a), Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterrugosa André, 1895 | KS, TO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterrugosior Santschi, 1910 | EQ, KS, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Santschi (1926a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterruspoliiatriscapis Forel, 1915 | Endemic | TO | Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastersantschii Forel, 1913 | KN, KS, SA, TO | Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Blaimer (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastersewelliiacis Forel, 1913 | KN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastersewelliimarnoi Mayr, 1895 | NU | Santschi (1910) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastersimilis Stitz, 1911 | Endemic | NK, TO | Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Van De Perre et al. (2018) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastersolenopsidesflavida Mayr, 1907 | TO | Forel (1916) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstadelmannianguliceps Stitz, 1916 | BU | Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstadelmannidolichocephala Santschi, 1911 | HU, KL, MN, NU, SA, TO | Santschi (1910), Santschi (1911), Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Blaimer (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstadelmanni Mayr, 1895 | KN, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstadelmanniovinodis Stitz, 1916 | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Blaimer (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstadelmannischereri Forel, 1911 | - | Blaimer (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstadelmannispissata Santschi, 1937 | Endemic | SA | Santschi (1937a), Blaimer (2012) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstriatula Emery, 1892 | BC, NU | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstriatulalangi Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | HU | Santschi (1926a) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstriatulaobstinata Santschi, 1911 | BC, BU, KN, MN, NU | Santschi (1911), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterstriatulaomega Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | BC, EQ, KS, MN, MO | Santschi (1926a), Santschi (1935a) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastertheta Forel, 1911 | Endemic | BU, EQ, HU, KS, SA, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913b), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1933), Santschi (1935a), Santschi (1937a), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastertransiens Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HL, TA, TO | Forel (1913a), Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Van De Perre et al. (2018) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogastertricolor Gerstäcker, 1859 | SA | Forel (1911b) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterwasmanni Santschi, 1910 | SA | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterwellmaniluciae Forel, 1913 | IT | Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterwellmaniweissi Santschi, 1910 | NU | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterwilwerthiconfusa Santschi, 1911 | NU | Santschi (1911), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterwilwerthifauconneti Forel, 1910 | Endemic | MA, TO | Forel (1910b), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Crematogaster | Crematogasterwilwerthi Santschi, 1910 | Endemic | BC | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b), Soulie and Dicko (1965) |
Myrmicinae | Cyphoidris | Cyphoidrisspinosa Weber, 1952 | NK | Weber (1952b), Bolton (1981a), Taylor (2009) | |
Myrmicinae | Dicroaspis | Dicroaspiscryptocera Emery, 1908 | TO | Emery (1908), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Dicroaspis | Dicroaspislaevidens (Santschi, 1919) | TO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1981b), Collingwood and Van Harten (2005) | |
Myrmicinae | Melissotarsus | Melissotarsusemeryi Forel, 1907 | KG | Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Melissotarsus | Melissotarsusweissi Santschi, 1910 | KS, LO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Bolton (1982) | |
Myrmicinae | Meranoplus | Meranoplusclypeatus Bernard, 1953 | HU | Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Meranoplus | Meranoplusinermis Emery, 1895 | HU, LU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Meranoplus | Meranoplusmagrettii André, 1884 | TA | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Meranoplus | Meranoplusnanus André, 1892 | HU, LU | Bolton (1981b) | |
Myrmicinae | Microdaceton | Microdacetontibialis Weber, 1952 | IT, TO | Weber (1952b), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumaffabile Santschi, 1926 | Endemic | NU | Santschi (1926a), Bolton (1987) |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumafrum André, 1884 | BU, HL, HU | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumaltinode Santschi, 1910 | BC, TA | Santschi (1920a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Bolton (1987), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumangustinode Forel, 1913 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1987), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumbequaerti Forel, 1913 | HK, KS | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a), Bolton (1987),Bolton 1987 | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumbicolor Emery, 1877 | HU, IT, KN, KS, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumcaptator Santschi, 1936 | - | Bolton (1987), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumegens Forel, 1910 | IT, KS, TA | Santschi (1926a), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumexiguum Forel, 1894 | KN, TO | Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Finzi (1939), Bolton (1987), Heterick (2006), Sharaf et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumfloricola (Jerdon, 1851) | Exotic | - | Wetterer (2010) |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumgabrielense Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriuminquietum Santschi, 1926 | HU | Santschi (1926a), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriummadecassum Forel, 1892 | TO | Forel (1905), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928b), Bolton (1987), Heterick (2006) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriummalatu Bolton, 1987 | BC, HU | Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumopacum Forel, 1913 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumpharaonis (Linnaeus, 1758) | BC, SA, TO | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumrosae Santschi, 1920 | BC, SK | Santschi (1920a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumstrangulatum Santschi, 1921 | IT | Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumsubdentatum Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1987) |
Myrmicinae | Monomorium | Monomoriumvaguum Santschi, 1930 | KN | Santschi (1930a), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaexigua André, 1890 | MO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaexiguakisangani Wheeler, 1922 | TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1925) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaexiguaobscura Santschi, 1920 | BC | Santschi (1920b), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1925) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaexiguapulla Santschi, 1920 | Endemic | MA, TO | Santschi (1920b), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1925) |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaexiguarufiventris Forel, 1915 | Endemic | IT, KL, TO | Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1925) |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariafumatalinearis Santschi, 1925 | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1925) |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariafumata Santschi, 1916 | SU | Bernard (1953) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariafusca Stitz, 1911 | IT, NK | Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariairregularis Santschi, 1925 | BC, EQ, KS, SA | Santschi (1925) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicarianatalensis (Smith, 1858) | LO, SA, TA | Santschi (1925), Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1933) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicarianatalensiseumenoides (Gerstäcker, 1859) | IT, KN, NK, SK, TO | Stitz (1911), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicarianatalensistaeniata Santschi, 1930 | HK | Santschi (1930b) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaopaciventriscongolensis Forel, 1909 | BC, HK, IT, KN, MN, MO, NK, SA | Forel (1909), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1925), Wheeler (1925), Weber (1964) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaopaciventriscrucheti Santschi, 1925 | HU, KC, KN, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1925) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaopaciventris Emery, 1893 | BC, BU, HU, KN, MA, NK, SU, TO | Santschi (1910), Stitz (1910), Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariaopaciventrismesonotalis Santschi, 1925 | Endemic | HU, SA, SU | Santschi (1925) |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariasalambo Wheeler, 1922 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariastriatabuttgenbachi Forel, 1913 | Endemic | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1925) |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariastriata Stitz, 1911 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Myrmicaria | Myrmicariastriatula Santschi, 1925 | BC | Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Nesomyrmex | Nesomyrmexevelynae (Forel, 1916) | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1982), Hita Garcia et al. (2017a) | |
Myrmicinae | Nesomyrmex | Nesomyrmexgrisoni (Forel, 1916) | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1982), Hita Garcia et al. (2017a) | |
Myrmicinae | Nesomyrmex | Nesomyrmexinnocens (Forel, 1913) | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1982), Hita Garcia et al. (2017a) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolealbidula Santschi, 1928 | KG | Santschi (1928b), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleaurivilliiattenuata Santschi, 1910 | HU, MA, NK | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleaurivilliikasaiensis Forel, 1911 | SA, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleaurivillii Mayr, 1896 | MN | Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleaurivilliirubricalva Forel, 1915 | Endemic | TO | Forel (1915), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolebatrachorum Wheeler, 1922 | BU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Fischer et al. (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolebequaerti Forel, 1913 | HL | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolebuchholzi Mayr, 1901 | KL, MO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolecaffrabayeri Forel, 1916 | NK | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolecaffrasenilifrons Wheeler, 1922 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolechristinae Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 | IT | Fischer et al. (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolecorticicola Santschi, 1910 | NU | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolecrassinodaruspolii Emery, 1897 | IT | Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoledea Santschi, 1921 | NK | Fischer et al. (2012), Gómez et al. (2022) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleexcellensfulvobasalis Santschi, 1921 | BU | Santschi (1921) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleexcellensweissi Santschi, 1910 | BC | Santschi (1930a) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleglabrella Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 | BU | Fischer et al. (2012), Gómez et al. (2022) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolekohli Mayr, 1901 | HU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleliengmei Forel, 1894 | - | Weber (1943) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleliengmeishinsendensis Forel, 1913 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolemegacephala (Fabricius, 1793) | BC, BU, HU, SU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Wetterer (2012c) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolemegacephalaatrox Forel, 1913 | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Santschi (1937a) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolemegacephalailgii Forel, 1907 | IT | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolemegacephalaimpressifrons Wasmann, 1905 | HK | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolemegacephalamelancholica Santschi, 1912 | EQ, HU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolemegacephalankomoana Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleminimamalelana Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleminimamylognatha Wheeler, 1922 | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleneokohli Wilson, 1984 | Endemic | TO | Wilson (1984), Lampe et al. (2006) |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolephilippi Emery, 1915 | TO | Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolepulchella Santschi, 1910 | BU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Fischer et al. (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolepunctulata Mayr, 1866 | BC, BU, HK, HL, HU, KC, KN, KS, LU, MN, SA, SK, SU, TO | Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a), Prins (1963), Weber (1964) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolepunctulatasubatrox Santschi, 1937 | Endemic | EQ, TO | Santschi (1937a) |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleretronitens Santschi, 1930 | KS | Santschi (1930a) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolesaxicola Wheeler, 1922 | BC, SU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleschoutedeni Forel, 1913 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoleschoutedeniplatycephala Stitz, 1916 | Endemic | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolesculpturataberthoudi Forel, 1894 | BC, KN, NU | Santschi (1910), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolesculpturatadignata Santschi, 1915 | BC, NU | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolesculpturata Mayr, 1866 | BC, KN, NU | Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolesculpturatawelgelegenensis Forel, 1913 | HK | Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolesetosa Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012 | Endemic | IT | Fischer et al. (2012) |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolespeculiferabispecula Santschi, 1930 | Endemic | HU | Santschi (1930a) |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolespeculiferacubangensis Forel, 1901 | MO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolespeculifera Emery, 1877 | HU, IT, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1964), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidoletenuinodis Mayr, 1901 | TO | Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Pheidole | Pheidolevanderveldi Forel, 1913 | HL | Forel (1913a), Arnold (1920), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Pristomyrmex | Pristomyrmexafricanus Karavaiev, 1931 | BC, IT, KN, NK, TO | Weber (1952b), Bolton (1981a), Wang (2003), Laciny et al. (2016) | |
Myrmicinae | Pristomyrmex | Pristomyrmexorbiceps (Santschi, 1914) | BU, MN | Santschi (1924a), Weber (1952b), Bolton (1981a), Wang (2003) | |
Myrmicinae | Pristomyrmex | Pristomyrmextrogor Bolton, 1981 | SK | Bolton (1981a), Wang (2003) | |
Myrmicinae | Solenopsis | Solenopsisgeminata (Fabricius, 1804) | Exotic | MA, NU | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b) |
Myrmicinae | Solenopsis | Solenopsispunctaticepscaffra Forel, 1894 | HK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Myrmicinae | Solenopsis | Solenopsispunctaticepskibaliensis Wheeler, 1922 | Endemic | HK, HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1964) |
Myrmicinae | Solenopsis | Solenopsispunctaticeps Mayr, 1865 | KN, MA | Forel (1911b), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Solenopsis | Solenopsisugandensiscongolensis Santschi, 1935 | Endemic | KS | Santschi (1935a) |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysbehasyla (Bolton, 1983) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysbellatrix (Bolton, 2000) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysbequaerti Santschi, 1923 | NK | Santschi (1923), Brown (1952), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysbernardi Brown, 1960 | IT, TO | Brown (1960), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysbitheria Bolton, 1983 | TO | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyscavinasis (Brown, 1950) | IT, NK | Brown (1950b), Weber (1952a), Brown (1953), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysconcolor Santschi, 1914 | HU, IT, NK | Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysdextra Brown, 1954 | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysdotaja (Bolton, 1983) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysenkara (Bolton, 1983) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysfenkara (Bolton, 1983) | KN | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyshensekta (Bolton, 1983) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysinquilina (Bolton, 1983) | Endemic | SK | Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysludovici Forel, 1904 | IT, NK, TO | Brown (1952), Weber (1952a), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyslujae Forel, 1902 | BC, HU, IT, MA, MO, NK, SK, TA, TO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Brown (1952), Weber (1952a), Bernard (1953), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysmalaplax (Bolton, 1983) | TO | Bolton (1983) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysmaynei Forel, 1916 | EQ, MO, NK, TO | Brown (1952) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysmormo (Bolton, 2000) | Endemic | - | Bolton (2000) |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysninda (Bolton, 1983) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyspetiolata Bernard, 1953 | IT, NK | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyspiliversa (Bolton, 2000) | Endemic | IT | Bolton (2000) |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysrelahyla Bolton, 1983 | IT | Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysrogeri Emery, 1890 | KL |
Bolton (2000), Wetterer (2012b) |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysroomi (Bolton, 1972) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysrufobrunea Santschi, 1914 | IT | Brown (1954) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyssarissa Bolton, 1983 | SK | Bolton (1983) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysserrula Santschi, 1910 | HU, IT, KS, NK, TO | Santschi (1923), Brown (1952), Weber (1952a), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyssimoni Emery, 1895 | HK, TO | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1952), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenyssistrura (Bolton, 1983) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenystacta (Bolton, 1983) | IT, TO | Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenystethepa (Bolton, 2000) | IT | Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysweberi (Brown, 1959) | HU | Brown (1959), Bolton (1983), Bolton (2000) | |
Myrmicinae | Strumigenys | Strumigenysxenohyla Bolton, 1983 | IT | Bolton (1983) | |
Myrmicinae | Syllophopsis | Syllophopsiscryptobia Santschi, 1921 | - | Bolton (1987), Heterick (2006), Sharaf and Aldawood (2013) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumaculeatum (Mayr, 1866) | BC, BU, EQ, HU, IT, KN, KS, MO, NK, SA, SU, TO | Forel (1901a), Emery (1908), Forel (1909), Forel (1913c), Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Santschi (1919b), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Santschi (1933), Santschi (1935a), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumafricanum (Mayr, 1866) | BU, KN, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1916), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumagna (Santschi, 1935) | Endemic | EQ | Santschi (1935a), Bolton (1976) |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumakengense (Wheeler, 1922) | BU, KS | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumamissum Bolton, 1980 | Endemic | SK | Bolton (1980) |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumangulinode Santschi, 1910 | EQ, HU, IT, KG, KN, NK, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928b), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumbequaerti Forel, 1913 | HK, HL | Forel (1913a), Arnold (1917), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumboltoni Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters, 2010 | IT, KL, TO | ||
Hita Garcia et al. (2010), Hita Garcia and Fischer (2014) | |||||
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumbrevispinosum (Stitz, 1910) | IT, MO, NK, TO | Santschi (1935a), Bolton (1976) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumbuthrum Bolton, 1980 | HU | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumcaldarium (Roger, 1857) | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1979), Bolton (1980), Wetterer and Hita Garcia (2015) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumcandidum Bolton, 1980 | SK | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumcapillosum Bolton, 1980 | IT | Hita Garcia and Fisher (2013) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumcoloreum Mayr, 1901 | IT | Brown (1957a), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumcristatum Stitz, 1910 | BC, HU, SA | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Weber (1943), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumdolichosum Bolton, 1980 | Endemic | LU | Bolton (1980) |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumdumezi Menozzi, 1942 | BC, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumedouardi Forel, 1894 | SK, TO | Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928b), Levieux (1972), Bolton (1980), Hita Garcia et al. (2010) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumgabonense (André, 1892) | BC, BU, HU, IT, MO, NK, SA, SU, TO | Menozzi (1932) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumgazense Arnold, 1958 | HK, LU | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumgegaimi Forel, 1916 | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumglobulinode (Mayr, 1901) | - | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1976), Bolton (1986) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumguineense (Bernard, 1953) | HK, HU, IT | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1980), Hita Garcia et al. (2010), Hita Garcia and Fischer (2014) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumhumbloti Forel, 1891 | HK | Santschi (1935a), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriuminezulae (Forel, 1914) | LU | Bolton (1976) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumkestrum Bolton, 1980 | HU | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumkhyarum Bolton, 1980 | BC, SU | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumlucayanum Wheeler, 1905 | KN | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1964a), Bolton (1979), Bolton (1980), Wetterer (2013b) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriummeressei Forel, 1916 | NK | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriummuralti Forel, 1910 | BU, IT, LO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Hita Garcia et al. (2010) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriummuscorum Arnold, 1926 | IT, NK | Bolton (1976) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumnodiferum (Emery, 1901) | HU | Santschi (1924a) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumnotiale Bolton, 1980 | LU | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumoccidentale (Santschi, 1916) | BU, IT, KS, LO | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumopacum (Emery, 1909) | BC, NK | Forel (1909), Forel (1916), Santschi (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1964b), Bolton (1976), Bolton (1986) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumpeutli Forel, 1916 | IT, MN, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumphasias Forel, 1914 | KN | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumpostpetiolatum Santschi, 1919 | Endemic | IT, LO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1957a), Bolton (1980) |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumpulcherrimum (Donisthorpe, 1945) | IT | Bolton (1976) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumpullulum Santschi, 1924 | HU, NK | Santschi (1924a), Santschi (1935a), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumquadridentatum Stitz, 1910 | HU, IT, TO | Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1980), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumqualarum Bolton, 1980 | TO | Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumrhetidum Bolton, 1980 | IT | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumrotundatum (Santschi, 1924) | - | Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumschoutedeni Santschi, 1924 | Endemic | MN | Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1980), Hita Garcia et al. (2010) |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumsericeiventre Emery, 1877 | BC, HK, HL, HU, IT, KC, KE, KG, KS, SA, SU, TA, TO | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924a), Santschi (1928b), Bolton (1980), Hita Garcia and Fisher (2011), Hita Garcia and Fisher (2012) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumsetigerum Mayr, 1901 | BU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumsetuliferum Emery, 1895 | - | Mbanyana (2013), Mbanyana et al. (2018) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumsimillimum (Smith, 1851) | KN, KS, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumsusannae Hita Garcia, Fischer & Peters, 2010 | IT, KN | Hita Garcia et al. (2010) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumtabarum Bolton, 1980 | IT | Bolton (1980), Hita Garcia and Fisher (2013) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumtalpa (Bolton, 1976) | Endemic | KL | Bolton (1976) |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumtermitobium Emery, 1908 | IT, SA | Emery (1908), Wheeler (1922b), Levieux (1972), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumtrimeni (Emery, 1895) | EQ, TO | Santschi (1935a) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumubangense Santschi, 1937 | Endemic | NU | Santschi (1937a), Bolton (1980) |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumuelense Santschi, 1923 | HU | Santschi (1923), Bolton (1976), Hita Garcia and Fisher (2014) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumunicum Bolton, 1980 | NK | Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumvenator Hita Garcia & Fisher, 2014 | HK, IT, KL | Hita Garcia and Fisher (2014) | |
Myrmicinae | Tetramorium | Tetramoriumweitzeckeri Emery, 1895 | HK, HU, IT, NK | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Prins (1963), Bolton (1980) | |
Myrmicinae | Trichomyrmex | Trichomyrmexdestructor (Jerdon, 1851) | Exotic | HK | Weber (1964), Wetterer (2008a) |
Myrmicinae | Trichomyrmex | Trichomyrmexepinotalis (Santschi, 1923) | Endemic | KC | Santschi (1923), Bolton (1987) |
Myrmicinae | Trichomyrmex | Trichomyrmexoscaris (Forel, 1894) | HL, HU | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Finzi (1939), Bolton (1987) | |
Myrmicinae | Trichomyrmex | Trichomyrmexrobustior (Forel, 1892) | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetusafricanus (Mayr, 1865) | HU, KS, LU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Santschi (1935b), Brown (1978) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetusbequaerti Forel, 1913 | BU, HK, HL, HU, NK | Forel (1913a), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1978) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetusfuliginosus Arnold, 1948 | IT | Brown (1978) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetusmaynei Forel, 1913 | KN | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1978) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetusobscuratus Santschi, 1911 | KC, KL, KS | Santschi (1923), Brown (1978) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetuspellucidus Emery, 1902 | IT, MO | Santschi (1923), Brown (1978) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetuspunctaticeps Mayr, 1901 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Ponerinae | Anochetus | Anochetustraegaordhi Mayr, 1904 | MN, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Brown (1964c), Brown (1978) | |
Ponerinae | Bothroponera | Bothroponeraancilla (Emery, 1899) | TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Ponerinae | Bothroponera | Bothroponerapachyderma (Emery, 1901) | BC, BU, HU, IT, KL, TO | Santschi (1920a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Joma and Mackay (2020) | |
Ponerinae | Bothroponera | Bothroponerarubescens Santschi, 1937 | NU | Schmidt and Shattuck (2014), Joma and Mackay (2020) | |
Ponerinae | Bothroponera | Bothroponerasanguinea (Santschi, 1920) | - | Joma and Mackay (2020) | |
Ponerinae | Bothroponera | Bothroponerasoror (Emery, 1899) | BC, BU, HK, HL, HU, IT, KL, KS, MN, NK, TO | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1937a), Weber (1943), Prins (1963), Prins (1964), Joma and Mackay (2017), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Ponerinae | Bothroponera | Bothroponeratalpa André, 1890 | BU, HU, NK, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Yamagiwa et al. (1991), Joma and Mackay (2020) | |
Ponerinae | Brachyponera | Brachyponerasennaarensis (Mayr, 1862) | BC, BU, HK, HL, HU, KN, NK, SU, TO | Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Prins (1964), Rafinejad et al. (2009), Wetterer (2013a) | |
Ponerinae | Centromyrmex | Centromyrmexangolensis Santschi, 1937 | IT, LU, TO | Bolton and Fisher (2008a) | |
Ponerinae | Centromyrmex | Centromyrmexbequaerti (Forel, 1913) | HK, KL, MA, TO | Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1963), Bolton and Fisher (2008a) | |
Ponerinae | Centromyrmex | Centromyrmexdecessor Bolton & Fisher, 2008 | TA, TO | Bolton and Fisher (2008a) | |
Ponerinae | Centromyrmex | Centromyrmexereptor Bolton & Fisher, 2008 | TO | Bolton and Fisher (2008a) | |
Ponerinae | Centromyrmex | Centromyrmexfugator Bolton & Fisher, 2008 | KN | Bolton and Fisher (2008a) | |
Ponerinae | Centromyrmex | Centromyrmexpraedator Bolton & Fisher, 2008 | Endemic | KL | Bolton and Fisher (2008a) |
Ponerinae | Centromyrmex | Centromyrmexsellaris Mayr, 1896 | HK, HU, IT, SK | Weber (1949b), Weber (1964), Bolton and Fisher (2008a) | |
Ponerinae | Euponera | Euponerabrunoi (Forel, 1913) | HK | Santschi (1933), Brown (1963) | |
Ponerinae | Euponera | Euponerasjostedti (Mayr, 1896) | BC | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponeracamerunensis (Santschi, 1914) | IT | Bolton and Fisher (2011) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponeracoeca (Santschi, 1914) | TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponeradulcis (Forel, 1907) | IT | Bolton and Fisher (2011) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponerainaudax (Santschi, 1919) | IT, TO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b), Braet and Taylor (2008), Bolton and Fisher (2011) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponeramolesta Bolton & Fisher, 2011 | IT | Bolton and Fisher (2011) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponerapunctatissima (Roger, 1859) | BC, HK, HU, SK, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1933), Delabie and Blard (2002), Bolton and Fisher (2011) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponerasegnis Bolton & Fisher, 2011 | SK | Bolton and Fisher (2011) | |
Ponerinae | Hypoponera | Hypoponeraursa (Santschi, 1924) | NK, SK | Santschi (1924a), Santschi (1933), Santschi (1935b), Bolton and Fisher (2011) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysankhesa Bolton, 1975 | Endemic | BC | Bolton (1975b) |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenyscamerunensis Stitz, 1910 | BU, MN, TO | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1975b) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysconradti Forel, 1913 | HK | Santschi (1937a) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenyscrustosa Santschi, 1914 | HK, IT | Santschi (1937a), Bolton (1975b) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysergatogyna Wheeler, 1922 | HU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1975b) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysexcellens Bolton, 1975 | Endemic | TO | Bolton (1975b) |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysferrarii Forel, 1913 | HK, TA | Santschi (1915), Wheeler (1922b), Bernard (1953), Bolton (1975b) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysintermedia Emery, 1902 | KL, SK | Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1926a), Bolton (1975b) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysmaxillosa (Smith, 1858) | HK | Bolton (1975b) | |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysravida Bolton, 1975 | Endemic | SK | Bolton (1975b) |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenysstrator Bolton, 1975 | Endemic | NK | Bolton (1975b) |
Ponerinae | Leptogenys | Leptogenystrilobata Santschi, 1924 | BC | Santschi (1924a), Bolton (1975b) | |
Ponerinae | Loboponera | Loboponeranasica (Santschi, 1920) | - | Levieux (1972) | |
Ponerinae | Loboponera | Loboponeratrica Bolton & Brown, 2002 | IT | Fisher (2006) | |
Ponerinae | Loboponera | Loboponeravigilans Bolton & Brown, 2002 | KL | Bolton and Brown (2002) | |
Ponerinae | Megaponera | Megaponeraanalis (Latreille, 1802) | BC, BU, HK, HL, HU, IT, KS, MA, MO, NK, NU, SA, SK, SU, TO | Forel (1911b), Stitz (1911), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1923), Santschi (1930a), Prins (1963), Weber (1964), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Ponerinae | Megaponera | Megaponeraanalisrapax Santschi, 1914 | BC | Santschi (1923) | |
Ponerinae | Megaponera | Megaponeraanalistermitivora (Santschi, 1930) | BC | Santschi (1930a) | |
Ponerinae | Mesoponera | Mesoponeracaffraria (Smith, 1858) | - | Prins (1964) | |
Ponerinae | Mesoponera | Mesoponeraingesta (Wheeler, 1922) | BU, HU, MA | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Weber (1943) | |
Ponerinae | Mesoponera | Mesoponerascolopax (Emery, 1899) | SU | Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Ponerinae | Mesoponera | Mesoponerasubiridescens (Wheeler, 1922) | BU, HU, NK | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Yamagiwa et al. (1991) | |
Ponerinae | Odontomachus | Odontomachusassiniensis Emery, 1892 | BC, BU, HU, KN, MA, NK, SU, TO | Forel (1910a), Stitz (1910), Emery (1911), Forel (1913a), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Weber (1943), Brown (1976), Yamagiwa et al. (1991) | |
Ponerinae | Odontomachus | Odontomachustroglodytes Santschi, 1914 | IT, NK, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Yamagiwa et al. (1991), Fisher and Smith (2008) | |
Ponerinae | Paltothyreus | Paltothyreustarsatus (Fabricius, 1798) | BC, BU, EQ, HK, HU, IT, KN, KS, MA, MN, NK, SA, SU, TO | Forel (1909), Stitz (1911), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Yamagiwa et al. (1991) | |
Ponerinae | Paltothyreus | Paltothyreustarsatusmedianus Santschi, 1919 | SU | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922b) | |
Ponerinae | Parvaponera | Parvaponeradarwiniiafricana (Forel, 1909) | BC, TO | Forel (1909), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1935b) | |
Ponerinae | Phrynoponera | Phrynoponerabequaerti Wheeler, 1922 | HU, IT | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Maes and Mackay (1993), Bolton and Fisher (2008a), Bolton and Fisher (2008b),Braet and Taylor (2008) | |
Ponerinae | Phrynoponera | Phrynoponeragabonensis (André, 1892) | BU, HU, IT, KL, KN, NK, TA, TO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Menozzi (1942), Weber (1943), Brown (1950a), Bolton and Fisher (2008a), Bolton and Fisher (2008b) | |
Ponerinae | Phrynoponera | Phrynoponerasveni (Forel, 1916) | HU, TA | Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton and Fisher (2008a), Bolton and Fisher (2008b) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyreaarnoldi Forel, 1913 | MA | Santschi (1937a) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyreaconradti Emery, 1899 | KC, MN, TO | Forel (1915), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1930a), Santschi (1933), Brown (1975), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyreacribrinodis (Gerstäcker, 1859) | HK | Weber (1943) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyreafrontalis Emery, 1899 | KS | Santschi (1933) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyreagracillima Wheeler, 1922 | HU, TO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyrealamellosa (Roger, 1860) | MA | Forel (1913c), Wheeler (1922b), Prins (1963) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyreamodesta Emery, 1899 | BC, MA, SU, TO | Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1975), Van De Perre et al. (2018) | |
Ponerinae | Platythyrea | Platythyreaschultzei Forel, 1910 | HK, HL, MA | Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1975),Brown 1975 | |
Ponerinae | Plectroctena | Plectroctenacristata Emery, 1899 | BU, HU, KS, MO | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924b), Bolton (1974b), Bolton and Brown (2002) | |
Ponerinae | Plectroctena | Plectroctenadentata Santschi, 1912 | - | Bolton (1974b) | |
Ponerinae | Plectroctena | Plectroctenalaevior Stitz, 1924 | Endemic | SK | Santschi (1924b), Bolton (1974b), Bolton and Brown (2002) |
Ponerinae | Plectroctena | Plectroctenalatinodis Santschi, 1924 | KN | Santschi (1924b), Bolton (1974b), Bolton and Brown (2002),Bolton and Brown 2002 | |
Ponerinae | Plectroctena | Plectroctenamandibularis Smith, 1858 | EQ, HK, HL, LU, NK, TA | Forel (1909), Forel (1913a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924b), Bolton (1974b) | |
Ponerinae | Plectroctena | Plectroctenaminor Emery, 1892 | BC, BU, EQ, HK, KL, KN, TO | Stitz (1910), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1924b), Bolton (1974b), Bolton and Brown (2002) | |
Ponerinae | Plectroctena | Plectroctenaugandensis Menozzi, 1932 | EQ | Bolton (1974b) | |
Ponerinae | Psalidomyrmex | Psalidomyrmexprocerus Emery, 1901 | BU, HU, IT, KN, NK | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1937a), Bolton (1975a), Bolton and Brown (2002) | |
Ponerinae | Psalidomyrmex | Psalidomyrmexreichenspergeri Santschi, 1913 | BU | Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Bolton (1975a) | |
Ponerinae | Psalidomyrmex | Psalidomyrmexwheeleri Santschi, 1923 | BU, HU, IT, NU | Bolton (1975a), Bolton and Brown (2002) | |
Proceratiinae | Discothyrea | Discothyreadamato Hita-Garcia & Lieberman, 2019 | NK | Hita Garcia et al. (2019) | |
Proceratiinae | Discothyrea | Discothyreamixta Brown, 1958 | NK | Hita Garcia et al. (2019) | |
Proceratiinae | Discothyrea | Discothyreaoculata Emery, 1901 | BC, IT, KN | Hita Garcia et al. (2019) | |
Proceratiinae | Discothyrea | Discothyreawakanda Hita-Garcia & Lieberman, 2019 | Endemic | NK | Hita Garcia et al. (2019) |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeraaethiops Smith, 1877 | EQ, HU, IT, KS, MA, NK, SA, SK, SU, TO | Stitz (1911), Forel (1913a), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Stitz (1916), Wheeler and Bailey (1920), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Van De Perre et al. (2018), Ward (2022) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeraanthracina (Santschi, 1910) | BC, EQ, IT, KE, KG, KL, KN, KS, MA, MO, NK, TA, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c) , Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928a), Santschi (1933), Terron (1968), Van De Perre et al. (2018), Ward (2022) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeracortina Ward, 2022 | TO | Ward (2022) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeralatifrons (Emery, 1912) | BC, HU, KS, SA | Forel (1913c), Wheeler and Bailey (1920), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Ward (2022) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeramocquerysi (André, 1890) | BC, HK, HU, IT, KN, KS, LU, MA, MO, NK, SK, TA, TO | Forel (1911b), Forel (1913c), Forel (1916), Santschi (1920a), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928a), Santschi (1935b), Van De Perre et al. (2018), Ward (2022) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeranatalensis (Smith, 1858) | HK, KS, SK, TA | Stitz (1911), Wheeler (1922b), Ward (2022) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeraophthalmica (Emery, 1912) | BC, KS, MO, NK, SK, TO | Emery (1912), Forel (1916), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Santschi (1928a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Ward (2006) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponerapumila Ward, 2022 | HK, NK | Ward (2022) | |
Pseudomyrmecinae | Tetraponera | Tetraponeratessmanni (Stitz, 1910) | HU, IT, TO | Santschi (1919c), Wheeler and Bailey (1920), Wheeler (1922a), Wheeler (1922b), Brown (1950a), Baroni Urbani (1977), Ward (2022) |