Antiretroviral drug susceptibility levels across KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Districts and subdistricts are categorized as follows: (A) level of urbanization. Inverse distance weighted interpolation maps cumulatively reflect the drug susceptibilities for the following: (B) TDF, tenofovir; (C) DTG, dolutegravir; (D) LPV/r, lopinavir with boosted ritonavir; (E) EFV, efavirenz; (F) ETR, etravirine. Spectral colour change from blue to red reflects the drug susceptibility level as follows: S, susceptible; PLLR, potential low-level resistance; LLR, low-level resistance; IR, intermediate resistance; HLR, high-level resistance. The thin and thick black outlines represent the borders of the 44 subdistricts and 11 districts of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province, respectively. The basemap of KZN province was republished under a CC BY license with permission obtained from Carto Builder user Lilishia Gounder, original copyright 2024. Available at: (accessed on 18 October 2024). * Please note that HIV-1 integrase testing was performed for 41 genotypes; the remaining 3092 genotypes that did not have integrase test requests were assumed to be susceptible to DTG for the purposes of creating the DTG interpolation map.