Figure 3.
CARD-FISH images of Telonemia targeted by the probe Telo-1250. Green: CARD-FISH probe, blue: DAPI, red: autofluorescence (A) from Lake Cinciș (20 m) (B) from Řimov reservoir (0.5 m), Telonemia ingesting a Rhodomonas. A larger Cryptomonas and smaller Rhodomonas are also seen left and right, respectively, and (C) a dividing Telonemia cell from Breiter Luzin hypolimnion (50 m). All scale bars are 10 μm, panel (A) is in magnification 40X, and panels (B) and (C) are in 100X magnification. (D) Four annual time-series from Řimov reservoir, Lake Biwa, Kličava reservoir and Žlutice reservoir showing relative abundances of Telonemia (using CARD-FISH) in epilimnion and hypolimnion. Temperatures are shown as green (epilimnion) and gray-dotted (hypolimnion) lines. (E) Relative abundances of Telonemia in epilimnion and hypolimnion during a high-resolution sampling of a spring phytoplankton bloom in Řimov reservoir. Counts of the most abundant Cryptophyte (Rhodomonas) are shown as a blue background and temperatures as lines.