Fig. 2.
Characterization of liposome: spike. Biochemical experiments to observe formation and size distribution of liposome: spike immunogens. A FPLC size exclusion chromatograms, overlaying the elution curves of trimeric spike-His (grey), liposome (purple), and liposome: spike (green). Each chromatogram was scaled relative to its maximum value. B Anti-spike western blot of Ni: NTA bead capture assay 1 h after mixing Ni: NTA-liposome and spike-His. Image has been cropped and lanes have been rearranged for ease of comprehension. Original image can be found in Supplementary Fig. 5. (L, protein ladder; Input, spike-His in the absence of Ni: NTA-liposome; B, bead-captured fraction; S, supernatant). C Negative stain transmission electron microscopy images of liposome: spike demonstrating particle stability in 20% human serum at 37 °C for up to 10 days in the presence or absence of adjuvant. The red scale bar is equal to 100 nm. D TEM analysis of the spike-His-only and spike-His bound to the liposomes. Selected 2D class averages (left) and 3D reconstructions (right). The red scale bar is equal to 10 nm