Fig. 5.
Relative system performance based on z-transformation and standard errors of 28 indicators assigned to critical impact categories and ranked according effects size (EF) between organic (BIOORG and BIODYN) and conventional (CONFYM and CONMIN) systems. Impact of farming system was assessed by one-way Anova with * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions were inversely calculated, resulting in positive z-scores for low emissions. Scales of indicators varied between area scaled (A) and mass scaled (M) indicators, while richness (R) and number of individuals (I) was used for biodiversity assessments. For soil pH and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) none of these scales are applicable. Further details for each indicator can be retrieved from the cited publications. # refers to unpublished data and details are given in supplementary information.