HSV infection causes redistribution of gE/gI expressed by Ad vectors to lateral cell surfaces. HEC-1A cells were coinfected with 1 Ad(E1−)gE and Ad(E1−)gI; after 24 h the cells were infected with F-gEβ (a gE− mutant) or were left uninfected. Cells were fixed at 7, 9, or 11 h after HSV infection and stained for TGN46, β-catenin, and gE as described in the legend to Fig. 6. Only the gE signal is presented here. The TGN46 stain extensively overlapped that of gE in cells left uninfected or HSV infected for 7 h, and the β-catenin stain overlapped extensively with the gE stain in cells infected with HSV for 11 h.