Extended Data Fig. 10: Functional analysis of lungfishes ZRS and SAG treatment of Lepidosiren paradoxa regenerating fins.
a, Mouse transgenesis and LacZ staining for the Neoceratodus forsteri and Lepidosiren paradoxa ZRS sequences. Genotyping indicates whether insertion was either in a single or double copy at the targeted locus, or randomly integrated in the genome. Neoceratodus forsteri ZRS gives ZPA staining in 16/16 embryos, whereas the Lepidosiren paradoxa ZRS does not give staining in 15/15 embryos. b, Regeneration of pectoral fins in presence of the shh agonist SAG does not result in radial growth in Lepidosiren paradoxa (n = 3 for SAG treated animals, n = 3 for DMSO-treated animals; representative images of one animal per treatment are shown).