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. 2024 Oct 7;11(10):2530–2547. doi: 10.1002/acn3.52156

Table 1.

Patients demographic and clinical information.

ID/sex Age a , [years] Epilepsy onset, years MRI findings Implantation side Res. region iEEG (SE + DE) Spike prop. [no.] Ripple prop. [no.] FR prop. [no.] Engel (f/u, [years]) Sam. freq. [Hz]
1/M 11 4 Normal R Fr 80 (SE) 162 131 79 IA (5) 2000
2/M 10 2 Normal L IH, CG 88 + 10 5 11 0 IA (4) 2000
3/F 7 3 FCD (T and Ins) L Fr, T 90 (DE) 9 11 0 IB (8) 2048
4/F 14 10 Normal L T 72 (SE) 2 9 0 IA (5) 2000
5/M 18 9 Tumor (T) L T 72 + 20 319 67 0 IC (6) 2000
6/F 16 14.5 FCD (T) L T, Hipp. 96 + 10 52 38 0 IA (8) 2000
7/M 2 0.3 TSC (multifocal) R Fr 112 (SE) 84 65 0 IA (7) 2000
8/F 9 4 FCD (P) R P 80 + 20 103 87 0 IB (4) 2000
9/M 2 0 FCD (CF) L Fr, P 80 (SE) 28 5 0 IA (6) 2000
10/M ¥ 18 17 Parahippocampal (L) L T 64 (SE) 1 1 0 IA (2) 2000
11/F 18 15 Normal L T 88 (SE) 2 24 0 IA (7) 2000
12/M 15 12 HS (AT) L T 80 (SE) 2 52 0 IA (2) 2000
13/F 15 6 FCD (mesial P) L Fr 72 (SE) 460 58 0 IA (2) 2048
14/M 5 0.17 FCD (T) L T, O 96 (SE) 176 15 8 IA (2) 2000
15/F ¥ 3 1.33 TSC (multifocal) L Fr 120 (SE) 22 3 0 IA (2) 2000
16/M 4 1 FCD (Fr) L Fr 56 + 10 10 13 0 IC (6) 2048
17/M 22 5 FCD (CP) L Fr 64 + 30 30 21 4 IA (3) 2048
18/F ¥ 12 1.17 Normal (pineal cyst) L Fr 70 (DE) 163 0 0 IA (4) 2000
19/M 10 7 PMG (Fr, P) L Fr 64 + 60 73 52 0 IB (2) 2000
20/M 4 2 FCD (Fr) R Fr 128 + 10 174 307 39 IA (2) 2048
21/F 16 2 FCD (L, Fr) L Fr 72 + 40 1 32 0 IA (1) 2048
22/F 6 3 Lesion, CTH (P) L Fr, P 80 + 20 5 28 0 IA (1) 2048
23/F 6 4 PMG (P, T, O) R P, O 196 (DE) 118 117 23 IA (1) 2048
24/M 14 5 Normal L O, P, T 236 (DE) 8 57 0 1A (1) 2048
25/M ¥ 12 0.5 FCD (L, Fr) L P, T 72 + 24 9 6 0 1A (2) 2048
26/M 19 12 Normal L Fr, T, P 140 (SE) 19 60 0 IIA (1) 1028
27/F 10 0.3 HS (MeT, periventricular) L T 140 (DE) 63 31 25 IVB (6) 2048
28/M 6 2 FCD (Fr) L Fr 120 (SE) 382 385 201 IIIA (11) 2000
29/M 16 4 Normal L T 88 (SE) 16 11 0 IIB (2) 2000
30/M 16 4 Normal (mild gliosis) L Fr 88 (SE) 985 1 0 IIIA (5) 2000
31/F 5 0.5 TSC (P, O) L O 128 + 40 76 93 0 IIIA (2) 1024
32/F 13 7 Normal R Fr 112 + 10 4 15 0 III (1) 2000
33/M 17 1.5 Glioma (PO junction) R O, P, T 128 (SE) 1 21 0 IIIA (4) 1000
34/F 18 4 FCD (Fr) L Fr 144 + 10 96 15 0 IIA (1) 1028
35/M 13 8 Encephalomalacia (LP, SUP T Lobe) L Fr, P 64 + 30 142 51 0 IIB (1) 2000
36/M 13 7 FCD (T) L Fr, T 112 + 10 2 7 0 IIIA (6) 2048
37/M 13 0 Infarct (MCA territory) L Fr, T 136 (SE) 440 279 0 IIA (3) 1024
38/M 18 5 FCD (SUP Fr gyr.) L Insula 212 (DE) 40 10 0 IIIA (6) 2048
39 /F ¥ 22 14 Trauma R F, T 120 (SE) 51 8 0 IIB (5) 2000
40/F ¥ 7 4 FCD (Fr operculum) R Fr 72 + 40 0 25 0 IIA (3) 1000
41/M 10 5 Normal L Fr 96 + 10 117 13 0 III (1) 2048

A, anterior; CG, cingulate gyrus; CTH: cortical thinning; DE, depth electrodes; F, female; FCD, focal cortical dysplasia; Fr, frontal; gyr., gyrus; HS, hippocampal sclerosis; L, left; M, male; Me, mesial, O, occipital; P, parietal; PMG, polymicrogyria; Prop., propagation; R, right; Res., resected; SE, subdural electrodes; Sam. Freq., sampling frequency; SUP, superior; T, temporal; TSC, tuberous sclerosis complex.


Age = age at epilepsy surgery.


Patient with no overlap in onsets of spike and ripple propagations.

Patient has fast ripples.