Fig. 3.
ASR of prevalence (a) and DALYs (b) of STH infections in 21 GBD regions by SDI, 1990–2019. Expected values, based on SDI and disease rates in all locations, are shown as a solid line; expected values based on a calculation accounting for the SDI and disease rates across all locations. 30 points are plotted for each region and show the observed age-standardized rate of prevalence or DALYs for each year from 1990 to 2021 for that region. The shaded area indicates the 95% confidence interval of the expected values. Points above the solid line represent a higher-than-expected burden, and those below the line show a lower-than expected burden. ASR age-standardized rate, DALYs disability-adjusted life-years, GBD Global Burden of Diseases, SDI socio-demographic index, STH soil-transmitted helminth