(A) PFGE (above) and ERIC-PCR (below) patterns of goose isolates from case 1. Lanes M, lambda concatemers (PFGE) or 100-bp ladder (ERIC-PCR). The numbers indicate the patterns of the respective isolates. Patterns of isolates TK9 and TK10 and TK12 to TK16 were identical to that of TK7 and TK8. The ERIC-PCR pattern of TK11 was also identical to that of TK7 and TK8. The letters below the numbers indicate the owner (see text). (B) PFGE (above) and ERIC-PCR (below) patterns of turkey isolates from case 2. Lanes M, lambda concatemers (PFGE) or 100-bp ladder (ERIC-PCR). The numbers indicate the patterns of the respective isolates. Patterns of isolates N5 to N12, N14, N17 to N19, N21 to N23, and N25 and N26 were identical to the patterns shown in lanes 4, 13, 20, 24, and 27, respectively. The letters below the numbers indicate the premise of origin (see text).