Implant shell surface type used: a) 100% smooth (48.6%) b) Mostly smooth and to a lesser extent textured (21.2%) c) Smooth and textured in the same proportion (4.8%) d) Mostly textured and to a lesser extent smooth (13%) e) 100% textured (12.3%) f) Polyurethane (0%) |
In the case of using only smooth implants, which is the reason (you can select more than one option)? a) Lower cost (22.6%) b) No reported association with BIA-ALCL (86%) c) Easier to place (18.3%) d) Aesthetic results do not depend on the shell surface type of implants (21.5%) e) No device rotation risk (14%) |
As a result of the growing concern about Anaplastic Giant Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), did your practice change at all? a) No (39.6%) b) Yes: I use more smooth implants than I before (51.4%) c) Yes: I switched from textured implants to nanotextured devices (90%) |
Breast implant manufacturer used: a) Mentor (52.1%) b) Allergan (19.9%) c) Eurosilicone (26%) d) Nagor (22.6%) e) Motiva (11%) f) Polytech (11%) g) Other (6.2%) |