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. 2024 Oct 24;56:40560. doi: 10.2340/jrm.v56.40560

Table II.

Cutoff values and accuracy for predicting falls

Author (year) Fall monitoring Falling groups Predictor Cutoff AUC Sens Spec
Period Setting
Alenazi et al. (15) 42 weeks Community ≥ 2 falls (n = 24) vs 1 or no fall (n = 157) FRT 18.15 0.66 76% 56%
PHQ-9 2.5 0.62 60% 65%
Alzayer et al. (16) Last 6 months Community ≥ 2 falls (n = 10) vs 1 or no fall (n = 34) BBS 52 0.67 90% 41%
An et al. (17) Last 12 months Unclear ≥ 2 falls (n = 44) vs non-faller (n = 28) POMA 12.5 0.78 72% 74%
An et al. (18) Last 6 months Unclear Faller (n = 25) vs non-faller (n = 32) DGI-4 9.5 0.77 68% 59%
DGI-8 16.5 0.78 60% 72%
Belgen et al. (19) Last 6 months Community ≥ 2 falls (n = 11) vs 1 or no fall (n = 39) BBS 52 0.72 91% 42%
Faller (n = 20) vs non-faller (n = 30) Swedish FES 17.5 0.71 90% 53%
Beninato et al. (20) Last 6 months Community ≥ 2 falls (n = 9) vs 1 or no fall (n = 18) ABC Scale 81.1 0.92 100% 72%
BBS 49 0.76 78% 72%
SIS-16 61.7 0.86 78% 89%
STS 17.9 0.66 67% 72%
Faria-Fortini et al. (21) Last 6 months Community Faller (n = 42) vs non-faller (n = 63) FES-International 28 0.71 71% 57%
Fiedorová et al. (22) 6 months Community Faller (n = 32) vs non-faller (n = 52) BBS 35 0.66 44% 89%
BBS 42 0.62 56% 67%
FES-International 27 0.69 81% 56%
FES-International 29 0.68 72% 64%
SOT 60 0.69 72% 65%
Huo et al. (23) Last 12 months Unclear Faller (n = 7) vs no-faller (n = 20) P-RT 626 0.77 86% 70%
Kızılkaya et al. (24) Last 6 months Unclear Unclear Turkish FAB 21.5 0.75 84% 61%
Lee et al. (25) During hospital stay Hospital Faller (n = 44) vs non-faller (n = 183) MFS 32.5 0.61 79% 38%
TUG 18.58 0.69 78% 55%
Maeda et al. (26) During hospital stay Hospital Faller (n = 27) vs non-faller (n = 45) BBS 29 0.81 80% 78%
Park et al. (27) Unclear Community Faller (n = 35) vs non-faller (n = 64) ABC Scale 63.75 0.69 41% 92%
Korean FES 66.5 0.68 70% 64%
Persson et al. (28) 12 months Unclear Faller (n = 46) vs non-faller (n = 50) 10MWT 12 0.74 80% 58%
BBS 42 0.69 69% 65%
M-MAS UAS-95 50 0.72 74% 58%
SwePASS 32 0.73 82% 50%
TUG 15 0.7 63% 58%
Pinto et al. (29) Last 12 months Community Faller (n = 56) vs non-faller (n = 94) TUG 25 0.66 36% 90%
Sahin et al. (30) Last 12 months Unclear Faller (n = 26) vs non-faller (n = 24) ABC Scale 55.31 0.78 75% 81%
BBS 46.5 0.81 75% 77%
BESTest 69.44 0.84 75% 85%
Takatori et al. (31) 3 months Hospital ≥ 2 falls (n = 15) vs 1 or no fall (n = 45) EED 6.3 0.8 80% 78%
Takatori et al. (32) 5 months Hospital Faller (n = 37) vs non-faller (n = 39) EED 6.1 0.7 69% 82%
≥ 2 falls (n = 21) vs 1 or no fall (n = 55) EED 6.3 0.8 81% 78%
Tsang et al. (33) Last 12 months Community Faller (n = 25) vs non-faller (n = 81) BBS 50.5 0.72 52% 80%
FRT 24.1 0.67 52% 74%
Mini-BESTest 17.5 0.64 64% 64%
OLS: nonparetic side 3.6 0.64 40% 84%
OLS: paretic side 0.9 0.67 56% 78%
TUG 19 0.66 61% 67%
Yamasaki et al. (34) 1 month Hospital Faller (n = 10) vs non-faller (n = 23) STV 6.35 0.84 80% 74%
Zou et al. (35) 12 months Hospital Faller (n = 9) vs non-faller (n = 21) Turn duration 4 0.75 67% 80%
Turn step 7 0.73 56% 85%

AUC: area under the curve; Sens: sensitivity; Spec: specificity; FRT: Functional Reach Test; PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire-9; BBS: Berg Balance Scale; POMA: Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment; DGI: Dynamic Gait Index; FES: Falls Efficacy Scale; ABC Scale: Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale; SIS: Stroke Impact Scale; STS: Five Times Sit to Stand Test; SOT: Sensory Organization Test; P-RT: Probe Reaction Time; FAB: Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale; MFS: Morse Fall Scale; TUG: Timed Up and Go; 10MWT: 10 Meter Walk Test; M-MAS UAS-95: Modified Motor Assessment Scale Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhus; SwePASS: Swedish version of the Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke patients; BESTest: Balance Evaluation Systems Test; EED: error in estimated distance; OLS: one-leg standing; STV: stride time variability; FES: Falls Efficacy Scale.