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. 2024 Oct 28;119:e240053. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760240053

TABLE. Comparison of sensitivity, limit of detection (LOD), linearity (R2) and efficiency of real-time multiplex and singleplex PCR taqMan assays for detection of Leptospira spp., Rickettsia spp., Borrelia spp., Anaplasma spp., Brucella spp. and Bartonella spp.

Assay Target AT Singleplex Multiplex CV (%)
R2 Efficiency (%) LOD (DNA copies) R2 Efficiency (%) LOD (DNA copies)
1 Leptospira spp. 50ºC 0.998 92.0 159.5 0.928 93.1 159.5 0.84
Rickettsia spp. 0.995 91.6 228.33 0.963 91.3 228.33 0.23
Borrelia spp. 0.998 94.5 22.83 0.983 94.2 22.83 0.22
2 Anaplasma spp. 60ºC 0.996 93.4 22.79 0.997 94.9 227.91 1.13
Brucella spp. 0.993 101.8 159.5 0.923 97.6 159.5 0,87
Bartonella spp. 0.997 97.2 22.83 0.959 98.4 228.33 2.98

AT: annealing temperature; LOD: limit of detection; R2: coefficient of determination; CV: coefficient of variation.