Fig. 3.
Relationships between post-anthesis source and sink. Total post-anthesis source supply ( and total sink demand ( for biomass (A) and nitrogen (B) are plotted for winter wheat cultivars grown under different temperature, water deficit, and low nitrogen regimes. The shaded area depicts the 95% confidence interval of the predictions. Dashed lines are the 1:1 relationship. The full lines represent regression equations (significant at P<0.001). The bold number (%) above the regression equation in each panel is the average of y-axis relative to x-axis values across regimes. Data are for factors of ‘Temperature’ (long-term temperature changes and short-term heat shocks regimes; Supplementary Figs S1, S2), ‘Water’ (water supply regimes; Supplementary Figs S3, S4), and ‘Genotype’ (the wheat genotypes Thésée, Récital, Renan, Arche, and Tamaro grown under high temperature, water deficit, and low nitrogen regimes; Supplementary Figs S5, S6). CK, control treatment; LT, low growth temperature (Out–5°C); HT, high growth temperature; eCO2, elevated air CO2 concentration; HS, heat shock; WD, water deficit stress; LN, low nitrogen supply.