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. 2024 Aug 20;39(11):1553–1573. doi: 10.1093/jbmr/zjae131

Table 5.

General characteristics, methodological details, main results, and overall quality score for bone segmentation studies.

Reference Country (population) Task Modality Data amount Data amount external validation Inputs (no.) Model CV train / validation / test K-fold cross validation Evaluation metrics Best result Quality score (max 12)
Cheng et al.96 China SS CT 15 15 IMG10 Custom U-Net 66.6% train, 33.3% test Dice coefficient, location error, detection rate, IoU, Hausdorff distance, pixel accuracy Dice coefficient: 0.95 10
Deng et al.97 China HS CT 100 IMG U-Net 85% train, 15% test 10-fold Dice coefficient, average surface distance, sensitivity, specificity Dice coefficient: 0.98 10
Kim et al.98 South Korea SS X-ray 797 IMG U-Net, hybrid 80% train, 20% test Dice coefficient, precision, sensitivity, specificity, area error, Hausdorff distance Dice coefficient: 0.92 10
Kim et al.99 South Korea SS X-ray 339 IMG U-Net, R2U-Net, SegNet, E-Net, dilated recurrent residual U-Net 80% train, 20% test 5-fold Sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, dice coefficient Dice coefficient: 0.93 7
Park et al.100 South Korea SS CT 467 102 IMG U-Net 80% train, 20% test Dice coefficient Dice coefficient: 0.93 11
Suri et al.101 USA SS X-ray, CT, MRI 6975 IMG Custom CNN 5-fold 5-fold Accuracy, IoU, dice coefficient Dice coefficient: 0.95 10
Wang et al.102 China HS CT 50 IMG U-Net 66% train, 20% validation, 14% test 5-fold Dice coefficient, precision, sensitivity Dice coefficient: 0.92 8
Wei et al.103 China FS X-ray 1274 IMG hybrid ResNet+FPN and DeepLabv3 60% train, 20% validation, 20% test MAP, AUC AUC: 0.98 10
Yang et al.104 China FS DXA 720 IMG2 U-Net Resblock 83% train-validation, 17% test 5-fold Dice coefficient, Jaccard index Dice coefficient: 0.99 10
Yang et al.105 China HS CT 160 IMG DenseUnet and Mask R-CNN 75% train, 25% test Accuracy, dice coefficient Accuracy: 0.89, dice: 0.90 6
Zhao et al.106 China SS MRI 222 25 IMG U-Net 70% train, 30% test Dice coefficient Dice coefficient: 0.912 7

Abbreviations: FS, forearm segmentation; SS, spine segmentation; HS, hip segmentation; IMG, image; CNN, convolutional neural network; IoU, intersection over union; MAP, mean average precision; AUC, area under the curve of the receiver operating characteristic. If several models were evaluated for a given task, the best performing is highlighted in bold.