Hospital-based resources |
Hospital admission |
£ 447.00 |
PSSRU (2020) section 7.1, NHS reference costs for hospital services, p87. |
Patients receive palliative care and chemotherapy side-effect treatments |
Non-elective attendance to A&E or similar |
£ 382.00 |
National schedule of NHS cost 2018/2019, code SB97Z, tab: non-elective short stay (NES). |
A&E attendances are be related to chemotherapy or procedure complications or due to poorly controlled symptoms attributed to cancer progression. Co-incidental illnesses rarely led to admission in patients with pancreatic cancer, hence are not considered in the costings [53, 54]. |
Delivery of parenteral chemotherapy at first attendance |
£ 307.58 |
National schedule of NHS cost 2018/2019, code SB13Z. |
Costs reflect delivery of complex chemotherapeutic schemes, such as FOLFIRINOX, but not single agent chemotherapy such as gemcitabine or capecitabine. Costs adjusted for inflation. |
Delivery of subsequent elements of a chemotherapy cycle |
£ 332.83 |
National schedule of NHS cost 2018/2019, code SB15Z. |
Costs reflect delivery of complex chemotherapeutic schemes, such as FOLFIRINOX, but not single agent chemotherapy such as gemcitabine or capecitabine. Costs adjusted for inflation. |
Radiotherapy |
£ 142.88 |
National schedule of NHS cost 2018/2019, code 800, tab: total outpatient attendance. |
No assumptions made. Costs adjusted for inflation. |
Consultant: medical |
£ 59.50 |
PSSRU (2020) section 14, hospital-based doctors, p159. |
Consultant cost per working hour £119. Appointment length 30 mins (incorporating administrative tasks). |
Dietician appointment |
£ 25.00 |
PSSRU (2020) section 12, hospital-based scientific and professional staff, p151 |
NHS band 6 dietician, with cost per working hour 50. Appointment length 30 mins (incorporating administrative tasks) |
Occupational health appointment |
£ 25.00 |
PSSRU (2020) section 12, hospital-based scientific and professional staff, p151 |
NHS band 6 occupational therapist, with cost per working hour 50. Appointment length 30 mins (incorporating administrative tasks) |
Specialist nurse appointments |
£ 25.00 |
PSSRU (2020) section 12, hospital-based nurses, p155. |
NHS band 6 nurse, with cost per working hour £50. Appointment length 30 mins (incorporating administrative tasks) |
Community-based resources |
GP surgery consultations |
£ 39.23 |
PSSRU (2020) section 10.3b, community-based health care staff-general practitioner, p126. |
This unit cost is calculated based on the average duration of GP contact per patient, lasting 9.22 minutes. |
GP telephone call |
£ 8.41 |
PSSRU (2020) section 10.4, the cost of online consultations, p128. |
This unit cost represents telephone contacts for following up tests or treatments that were decided during a GP surgery consultation. |
Primary care nurse appointment |
£ 24.50 |
PSSRU (2020) section 10.1, the cost of online consultations-nurses, p123. |
NHS band 6 nurse, with cost per working hour 49. Appointment length 30 mins (incorporating administrative tasks) |
Primary care nurse home visits |
£ 23.00 |
PSSRU (2020) section 10.2, GP practice nurse, p124. |
NHS band 6 primary care nurse, with cost per working hour 42 plus an average of 10 miles stuff travel per visit. Appointment length 30 mins (incorporating administrative tasks) |
Community equipment (stairlift) |
£ 654.00 |
PSSRU (2020) section 7.3, equipment and adaptations, p90. |
No assumptions made. |
Medical prescriptions |
Medical prescriptions |
British National Formulary, URL:, accessed on: 05/08/2021. |
Costs were estimated based on the medication use the patients recorded on their self-completed questionnaires. |
“Out of pocket” expenses |
Travel for medical appointments (in miles) |
£ 0.15 |
AA motor insurance company, mileage calculator, URL:, accessed on: 30/07/21 |
Approximate fuel cost £1.40 per litre and engine performance rate of 40 miles per gallon. |
Car parking expenditure |
n/a |
Costs directly reported by patients on self-completed medical resource questionnaire |
No assumptions made. |