Figure 2.
Time course for removal of CPDs from the RPB2 gene in conditional proteasome mutants at the permissive temperature. Exponentially growing cultures in YPD at 24°C were UV-irradiated with 60 J/m2 and then incubated in YPD at 24°C for the times indicated. Repair was determined from the measured incidences of CPDs in each strand of the PvuI–PvuII restriction fragment of the RPB2 gene. Transcribed strand, wild-type (filled squares); non-transcribed strand, wild-type (open squares); transcribed strand, cim3-1 (filled triangles); non-transcribed strand, cim3-1 (open triangles); transcribed strand, cim5-1 (filled circles); non-transcribed strand, cim5-1 (open circles).