Chromosomal features of the DH15 genome. (a) Circus diagram of P. ussuriensis DH15 genome. Genome elements are shown in the following scheme (from outer to inner). (I) Chromosome karyotype analysis; (II) Distribution of tRNA (window size, 500 kb); (III) Gene density (window size, 500 kb). (IV) Distribution of GC content (window size, 500 kb); (V) Distribution of transposable element (TE); (VI) Syntenic relationships among different chromosomes of P. ussuriensis. (b) Hi-C interaction heatmap based on the chromosome-scale assembly. The map represents the contact matrices generated by aligning the Hi-C data to the chromosome-scale assembly. Heatmap shows Hi-C interactions under the resolution of 100 kb. (c) Visualization of telomeres, centromeres, and gaps position on chromosomes of P. ussuriensis.