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. 2024 Sep 30;16(9):e70528. doi: 10.7759/cureus.70528

Table 16. Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for the included case reports.

Q1: Were the patient's demographic characteristics clearly described?

Q2. Was the patient's history clearly described and presented as a timeline?

Q3. Was the current clinical condition of the patient on presentation clearly described?

Q4. Were diagnostic tests or assessment methods and the results clearly described?

Q5. Was the intervention(s) or treatment procedure(s) clearly described?

Q6. Was the post-intervention clinical condition clearly described?

Q7. Were adverse events (harms) or unanticipated events identified and described?

Q8. Does the case report provide takeaway lessons?

Y, yes; N, no; U, unclear

Author Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Overall Appraisal
Nasir et al. [8] Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y Included
Olowu and Alzehairy [10] Y U Y Y Y Y U U Included
Yokoyama et al. [11] Y N U Y Y Y U Y Included
Solanki et al. [12] Y Y U U Y Y U Y Included
Paramythiotis et al. [13] Y U Y Y Y Y N N Included
Ates et al. [14] Y Y U Y Y Y N U Included
Chue et al. [15] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Bibi et al. [16] Y U U Y Y Y Y Y Included
Isono et al. [17] Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y Included
Papaziogas et al. [18] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Mahmodlou and Valizadeh [19] Y U Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Bhamidipati and Smeds [20] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Kim et al. [21] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Bovio et al. [22] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Ohzeki et al. [24] Y Y Y Y Y Y U N Included
Moonim et al. [26] Y Y U Y Y Y Y Y Included
Geleit et al. [27] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Patnaik et al. [28] Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Included
Kodama et al. [29] Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Included
Passoni et al. [30] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Angelico et al. [31] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Ujam et al. [32] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Momiyama et al. [33] Y U Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Marwah et al. [34] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Karaman et al. [35] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Stimac et al. [36] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Kar et al. [37] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Demir et al. [38] Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Included
Erem et al. [39] Y U Y Y Y Y Y U Included
Favorito et al. [40] Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Included
Fan et al. [41] Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Included
Suga et al. [42] Y Y Y Y Y U U Y Included
Parshad and Kumar [43] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Karayiannakis et al. [44] Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Included
Ansari et al. [46] Y Y U Y Y N N Y Included