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. 2024 Oct 28;19(1):20241075. doi: 10.1515/med-2024-1075

Table A2.

Uncontrolled studies

References Study design Sample size Study duration Type of the drug and route of administration Measures Main findings Adverse events
Disease duration
Frankel et al. [164] Case series N = 5 NR 1. Smoked cannabis (1 g with 2.9% THC) Webster scale No improvement of tremor Drowsiness or mild euphoria
Age: NR
Dd: NR
2. Diazepam 5 mg orally Mild unsteadiness occurred after diazepam
3. l-DOPA/Carbidopa 250 mg/25 mg orally (Sinemet 275)
4. Apomorphine 1.5 mg subcutaneously
Venderová et al. [162] Open-label pilot N = 85 of 339 84 patients with ½ teaspoon cannabis orally; 1 patient by inhalation Anonymous questionnaire sent by mail 31% reported improvement of rest tremor, 45% of bradykinesia and 14% of LID Unspecified
Age: 65.7 yearsDd: 8.5 yeasr
52.9% daily
Zuardi et al. [165] Open-label pilot N = 6 4 weeks 1st week:150 mg/day 1.BPRS Improvement of psychiatric plus and minus symptoms, mild improvement None
2nd week:250 mg/day 2. PPQ
Age: 58.8 ± 14.9 years 3rd week: 325 mg/day 3. UPDRS total
4th week: 400 mg/day 4. CGI-I
Dd: 10.6 ± 3.7 years CBD dissolved in corn oil 5. MMSE
Placebo group: corn oil capsules 6. FAB
Chagas et al. [ 60 ] Case series 4 patients with RBD 6 weeks 75 or 300 mg/day CBD REM Sleep behavior disorder questionnaire Significant improvements in sleep symptoms; Well tolerated NR
Finseth et al. [166] Patient survey N = 9 Past or current use of Cannabis Self-administered questionnaire via e-mail Benefits in mood (56%), sleep (56%), motor symptoms (22%), and quality of life (22%) None
Age: 49–75 years
Dd: 2–11 years
Lotan et al. [167] Case series N = 22 Smoked cannabis for at least 2 months Smoked cannabis, 0.5 g (with 2.9% THC)
  1. UPDRS

  2. VAS

  3. Pain intensity scale

  4. Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire

  5. Medical Cannabis Survey

  6. National Drug and Alcohol Research Center Questionnaire

Improvement of tremor and bradykinesia and some non-motor symptoms Short-term: hypoglycemia, dizzinessLong-term: somnolence, drowsiness, palpitations, bad taste
Age: 65 ± 10.2 yearsDd: 7.3 ± 4.8 years
Shohet et al. [168] Open-label, observational N = 20 Cannabis use for at least 10 weeks (median 14 weeks) Vaporizer or smoking Cannabis (1 g), anticholinergic agents, dopamine agonists, amantadine, and rasagiline 1. UPDRS Improvement in mean motor and pain scores in 18PD patients NR
2. PRI
3. Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire 4.VAS
Age: 62.4 ± 9 years
Dd: 6.8 ± 3.5 years
Control: 12 Age: 70 ± 7.2 years
Dd: 6 ± 2.6 years
Yust-Katz et al. [169] Open-label N = 114 Medical cannabis (MC), anti- Parkinson medication, pain killers (paracetamol, NSAID), opiates (Tramadol, Oxycodone) 1. UPDRS MC significantly alleviated pain NR
Age: 68 ± 9.9 years 2. McGill test No significant difference in different pain medications (pain killers vs opiates vs MC)
Dd: 6 ± 6 years 3. Structured questionnaire for pain typ
Balash et al. [170] Retrospective observational telephone survey N = 47 Patients treated for at least 3 months with MC Most means of cannabis administration was Smoking flowers and leaves or oil ingestion daily dose 0.9 ± 0.5 g Structured questionnaire Improvement in pain, sleep, mood, and significant reduction of falls were reported by a significant percentage of patients. Cough (34.9%), anxiety, confusion, and hallucinations
Age: 64.2 ± 10.8 years
Dd: 10.8 ± 8.3 years
Kindred et al. [171] Open anonymous web-based survey N = 453 Most reported routes of administration: smoking cannabis edible Self-reported scales: GNDS, NHP, ABC, FSS, IPAQ Improvement on mood, memory, fatigue, and obesity status, and reduction of prescribed medication NR
Age: 61.1 ± 9.5 years
Smoked + edibles

Rows in bold emphasis indicate studies using CBD.