Blast morphology and evolution of blasts over time. Blasts morphology of TAM-DS and ML-DS are characterized by the presence of large cells with round nuclei and “blebs,” irregular protrusions of the cell membrane, altogether suggesting a megakaryoblastic origin. The morphology of blasts in TAM-DS (cases 1 and 2) exhibited no significant differences compared to blasts in ML-DS (cases 3 and 4). In case 3, rare granulations were visible. In case 4, bone marrow analysis revealed dysmegakarocytopoiesis including the presence of micromegakaryocytes (May Grünwald Giemsa, original magnification 1000x). In TAM-DS cases, evolution of blast count in blood is illustrated, showing a decrease after a few days. For ML-DS cases, blast counts in the bone marrow are presented along with platelet counts and their evolution after treatment. ML-DS, myeloid leukemia associated with down syndrome; TAM, transient abnormal myelopoiesis.