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. 2024 Sep 17;5(9):101736. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101736

Table 1.

Comparison of different analytical approaches for study of cfDNA

Coverage Output Turnaround time from taking sample Suggested minimum cfNA input Relative complexity of analysis and clinical interpretation Relative cost £-££££ Fragment information preserved?
Genomic analyses

ddPCR 1 mutation hotspot/assay VAF (quantitative) 2–5 days 0.1 ng/well Low £ No
Targeted NGS Up to 1000 genes Base pair sequence 1–2 weeks 10 ng Medium ££ At selected regions only for hybrid capture-based methods
WES All protein coding regions (∼1.5% genome) Base pair sequence, copy-number changes 2 weeks 10 ng Medium-High £££ At exome only
WGS Whole genome Base pair sequence, copy-number changes 2–3 weeks 10 ng High ££££ Yes

Methylation analyses

Bisulfite conversion based sequencing Up to whole methylome but loss of 84–96% DNA Methylation status at base pair level. 2 weeks 10 ng, ideally more for WGBS High ££-£££a At regions covered
Methylation capture-based enrichment Genome-wide methylation Methylation status at fragment level (5-mC only) 2–3 weeks 1 ng High £££ Only for enriched methylated regions
Enzyme-based methylation (e.g., EM-seq, TAPs) Up to whole methylome Methylation status at base pair level. 2–3 weeks 10 ng High £££-££££a Yes

Combined genomic and methylation analyses

5/6 letter sequencing (Duet) Up to whole methylome/whole genome 5-mC/5-hMC status at base pair level. Preserves base pair sequence. 2–3 weeks 5 ng High £££- ££££a Partially, dependent on read length
Native DNA sequencing e.g., nanopore Up to whole methylome/whole genome 5-mC/5-hMC status at base pair level. Preserves base pair sequence. Sequences longer fragments 24–48 h 5 ng High £££-££££a Yes

Transcriptomic analyses

ddPCR 1 gene/assay VAF (quantitative) 2–5 days 0.1 ng/well Low £ No
Targeted panel Up to 1000 genes Base pair sequence, fusions 1–2 weeks 10 ng Medium ££ n/a
RNA-seq (whole exome/whole transcriptome) All protein coding (exome)/transcribed regions Base pair sequence, copy-number changes 2 weeks 10 ng Medium-High £££ n/a

VAF, variant allele frequency; ddPCR, digital droplet polymerase chain reaction; NGS, next-generation sequencing; WGS, whole-genome sequencing; WES, whole-exome sequencing.


Cost varies dependent on sequencing coverage and depth.