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. 2024 Sep 3;5(9):101711. doi: 10.1016/j.xcrm.2024.101711

Rabbit CK19 Abcam Cat# ab52625, RRID: AB_2281020
Rabbit Ki67 Abcam Cat# ab15580, RRID: AB_443209
Goat Col1 SouthernBiotech Cat# 1310-01,
RRID: AB_2753206
Mouse αSMA DAKO Cat# M0851,
RRID: AB_2223500
Rabbit CD4 Abcam Cat# ab183685, RRID: AB_2686917
Rabbit CD8 Cell Signaling Cat# 85336S,
RRID: AB_2800052
Rabbit Arginase 1 Abcam Cat# ab91279, RRID: AB_10674215
Rabbit CD45 Cell Signaling Cat# 70257,
RRID: AB_2799780
Rat CK8 Sigma Cat# MABT329, RRID: AB_2891089
Rabbit Cadherin 1 Cell Signaling Cat# 3195,
RRID: AB_2291471
Rabbit Vimentin Cell Signaling Cat# 5741,
RRID: AB_10695459
Rabbit ZEB1 Novus Biological Cat# NBP1-05987, RRID: AB_1556166
Rabbit phospho-ERK1/2 Cell Signaling Cat# 9101S,
RRID: AB_331646
Rabbit ERK Cell Signaling Cat# 9102,
RRID: AB_330744
Rabbit Cleaved Caspase-3 Cell Signaling Cat# 9664S,
RRID: AB_2070042
Rabbit p63 Abcam Cat# ab124762, RRID: AB_10971840
Rabbit β-actin Cell Signaling Cat# 4970,
RRID: AB_2223172
Rabbit CK5 Cell Signaling Cat#71536T,
RRID: AB_3101753
Rabbit HSP90 Cell Signaling Cat# 4877T,
RRID: AB_2233307
Goat CD206 R&D Systems Cat# AF2535,
RRID: AB_2063012
Rabbit CK5 BioLegend Cat# 905501,
RRID: AB_2565050
Mouse CK8 Abcam Cat# ab9023,
RRID: AB_306948
Rat Ly6G Abcam Cat# ab25377,
RRID: AB_470492
Rabbit CD4 Cell Signaling Cat# 25229,
RRID: AB_2798898
Rat FoxP3 eBioscience Cat# 4-4771-80,
RRID: AB_529583
Rat Granzyme B eBioscience Cat# 50-8898-82,
RRID: AB_11219679
Rat LAG3 Bio X Cell Cat# BP0174,
RRID: AB_10949602
Rat PD-1 Bio X Cell Cat# BE0273,
RRID: AB_2687796

Bacterial and virus strains

pCMV5B-Smad4 Addgene Cat# 11743

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Protease inhibitor Roche Cat# 4693116001
Crystal violet Sigma Cat# C0775
Lipofectamine 2000 Invitrogen Cat# 11668027
RNAiMAX Invitrogen Cat# 13778-150
MRTX1133 Selleck Cat# E1051
GSK1120212 Selleck Cat# S2673
Verteporfin Selleck Cat# S1786
Gemcitabine LC Laboratories Cat# G4199
Niclosamide Selleck Cat# S3030
Olaparib Selleck Cat# S1060
JQ1 Selleck Cat# S7110
MK-2206 2HCl Selleck Cat# S1078
7RH MedChemExpress Cat# HY-U00444
VS-4718 Selleck Cat# S7653
Rapamycin Selleck Cat# S1039
RSL3 MedChemExpress Cat# HY100218A
Erastin MedChemExpress Cat# HY15763
Collagenase IV Gibco Cat# 17104019
Dispase II Gibco Cat# 17105041
Type I collagen solution from rat tail Sigma-Aldrich Cat# C3867

Critical commercial assays

Direct-zol RNA Kit Zymo Research Cat# 11-331
Reverse Transcription Kit Applied Biosystems Cat# 4368814
SYBR Green Master Mix Applied Biosystems Cat# 4367659
Cell Counting Kit-8 Abcam Cat# ab228554
Chromium Single Cell 3′ Reagent Kits (v2) 10x Genomics Cat# PN-120237
ABC-Kit Vector Cat# PK-6100
Stable DAB Invitrogen Cat# 750118
Alcian blue Stain Kit Abcam Cat# 150662
Pierce BCA protein assay kit Thermo Fisher Cat# 23208
Picrosirius Red Abcam Cat# 150681
TruSeq Stranded mRNA Sample Prep Kit Illumina Cat# 20020594

Deposited data

KPPC and PPSSC cancer cell lines RNA-sequencing This paper GEO: GSE268896
KPPC and PPSSC pancreatic tumors Single-cell RNA-sequencing This paper GEO: GSE268899
TCGA pancreatic adenocarcinoma cohort survival and gene expression data (GDAC Firehose PAAD) Broad Institute

Experimental models: Cell lines

Primary mouse KPPC cancer cell line This paper N/A
Primary mouse PPSSC cancer cell line This paper N/A

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse: LSL-KrasG12D/+;Trp53loxP/+;Pdx1-Cre Chen et al.32 N/A
Mouse: LSL-KrasG12D/+;Trp5R172H/+;Pdx1-Cre Chen et al.32 N/A
Mouse: Smad4loxP/loxP Jackson Laboratory 017462
Mouse: Tgfbr2loxP/loxP Jackson Laboratory 012603


See Table S1 Sigma N/A
Recombinant DNA
pCMV5B-Smad4 Addgene Cat# 11743

Software and algorithms

Prism v10.0.0 GraphPad Software Inc.
cBioportal v2.2.0 MSK Center for Mol Onc
Seurat R package (3.5.3) Satija et al.34
DESeq2 Anders and Huber35
STAR aligner Dobin et al.36
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) Broad Institute