RFNG regulates the clustering size and structure of the NOTCH3 EGFr1-12 C185R mutant.A, representative blot of a sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation assay using purified NOTCH3 EGFr1-12 WT and C185R with or without RFNG-mediated glycosylation. B and C, percentages of NOTCH3 EGFr1-12 WT (B) and C185R (C) in fractions against the total amount of all fractions, as determined by the Western blot shown in (A) (independent biological replicates N = 5). D and E, relative band intensities of NOTCH3 WT (D) and C185R (E) in fractions 7 and 8 compared to those in fraction 5 (independent biological replicates N = 5). Data information: In B-D, data are presented as mean ± SDs. ∗∗p < 0.01, n.s., not significant (Unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test). EGFr, EGF repeat; RFNG, Radical fringe.