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. 2024 Oct 31;24:3013. doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-20464-2

Table 2.

Participant characteristics and HIV/STI-protected sex decision-making by frequent discrimination based on gender identity among participants of the TASG study, Germany 2022

Frequent discrimination based on gender identity
No (N = 1,782) Yes (N = 505) p-value
n (%)a n (%)a
Gender identity < 0.001b
  Female spectrum 418 (84.1) 79 (15.9)
  Male spectrum 486 (88.8) 61 (11.2)
  Non-binary female spectrum 183 (70.7) 76 (29.3)
  Non-binary male spectrum 245 (78.0) 69 (22.0)
  Non-binary 407 (68.2) 190 (31.8)
  Other 43 (58.9) 30 (41.1)
Age group 0.45c
  18–29 years 1096 (78.5) 301 (21.5)
  30–39 years 435 (75.3) 143 (24.7)
  40–49 years 160 (80.4) 39 (19.6)
  50–59 years 79 (79.8) 20 (20.2)
  60 years or older 12 (85.7) 2 (14.3)
Size of place of residence 0.80b
  City with more than 100,000 inhabitants 1080 (77.8) 308 (22.2)
  Town/City with less than 100,000 inhabitants 491 (78.9) 131 (21.1)
  Countryside or village 179 (79.2) 47 (20.8)
Monthly income < 0.001b
  No income 71 (71.7) 28 (28.3)
  ≤2000€ 924 (77.3) 272 (22.7)
  >2000€ 269 (87.1) 40 (12.9)
Education level 0.057b
  Low 179 (73.1) 66 (26.9)
  Medium 618 (78.5) 169 (21.5)
  High 491 (80.5) 119 (19.5)
Relationship status 0.034b
  Single 685 (80.5) 166 (19.5)
  Steady partner 610 (78.4) 168 (21.6)
  Other status 370 (74.4) 127 (25.6)
Gender identity recognition < 0.001 c
  Yes, always 308 (94.5) 18 (5.5)
  Sometimes/often 1057 (79.1) 280 (20.9)
  Never 358 (65.0) 193 (35.0)
Living in accordance to gender identity in daily life < 0.001b
  Yes 1113 (84.0) 212 (16.0)
  Partly 562 (69.4) 248 (30.6)
  No 64 (71.1) 26 (28.9)
Fulfilment of medical transition needs < 0.001c
  No medical transition desired 32 (64.0) 18 (36.0)
  Medical transition needs fulfilled 433 (85.1) 76 (14.9)
  Medical transition needs partially fulfilled 573 (83.4) 114 (16.6)
  Medical transition needs not fulfilled 382 (71.1) 155 (28.9)
  Unsure 192 (74.1) 67 (25.9)
Living with HIV 0.519c
  Yes 10 (83.3) 2 (16.7)
  No 1495 (78.9) 401 (21.1)
HIV/STI-protected sex decision-making 0.015b
  Feeling able 1230 (79.0) 326 (21.0)
  Feeling unable 164 (71.9) 64 (28.1)

aPercentages per row calculated above the total without missing values for each variable

bChi-square test

cFisher test