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. 2024 Oct 30;26:149. doi: 10.1186/s13058-024-01900-y

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

A Overlapping box and jitter plots depicting GSVA estimation scores for cAMP/PKA/CREB signaling related pathways in ILC and ILC like (red; ILC—HCC2185, MDAMB134, MDAMB330, SUM44PE; ILC like—MPE600, CAMA1, HCC2218, MDAMB453, OCUBM, SKBR5, ZR7530) and NST (blue; NST—BT474, BT483, EFM19, HCC1008, HCC1419, HCC1500, LY2, MCF7, MDAMB157, MDAMB175, T47D, UACC812, ZR75-1, ZR75B) cell lines based on gene expression data from Marcotte et al. 2016; GOBP response to cAMP = GOBP cellular response to cAMP, GOBP regulation of cAMP = GOBP regulation of cAMP mediated signaling and KEGG cAMP signaling = KEGG cAMP mediated signaling. B Overlapping box and jitter plots depicting ratio of quantified levels of western blot for CREB, p-CREB and PKACA in ILC/ILC-like and NST cell lines before and after treatment with forskolin (each normalized for corresponding levels of β-actin); ILC and ILC-like cell lines (red; MPE600, WCRC25, ZR75-30, MM134, CAMA-1, BCK4, SUM44PE) and NST cell lines (blue; MCF7, T47D, BT474, EFM19, ZR75-1); Y-axis represents the ratio of levels of CREB, p-CREB, and PKACA with forskolin treatment to their baseline levels (vehicle treatment). C Western blot images for levels of CREB, p-CREB, and PKACA in ILC and ILC-like (red; MPE600, WCRC25, ZR75-30, MM134, CAMA-1, BCK4, SUM44PE) and NST (blue; MCF7, T47D, BT474, EFM19, ZR75-1) cell lines with Vehicle (Veh) and Forskolin (Fors) treatment. D Overlapping box and jitter plots depicting ratio of quantified levels of western blot for CREB, p-CREB and PKACA in patient-derived organoids (PDOs) before and after treatment with forskolin (each normalized for corresponding levels of β-actin): ILC PDOs (PDO146 PDO86 PDO53 PDO46 PDO30) and NST PDOs (PDO126 PDO56 PDO134 PDO123 PDO111 PDO102 PDO129); Y-axis represents the ratio of levels of CREB, p-CREB, and PKACA with forskolin treatment to their baseline levels (vehicle treatment). GSVA—Gene Set Variation Analysis; ILC—Invasive lobular breast cancer; NST—Invasive carcinoma—no special type; PKA—Protein kinase A; PKACA—Protein kinase A catalytic α subunit; CREB—cAMP Response Element Binding protein; p-CREB—phospho CREB, phosphorylated at Ser133; KEGG—Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; GOBP—Gene Ontology Biological Process; PDO—Patient Derived Organoids