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[Preprint]. 2025 Jan 24:2024.10.21.619448. Originally published 2024 Oct 22. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2024.10.21.619448

Figure 9.

Figure 9.

Summary of neurotransmitter and neuropeptide expression as determined by EASI-FISH performed on adult brains in which selected cell types were marked by a split-GAL4 lines driving GFP expression. About half of all CX cell types were examined using probes for the following 15 NPs: AstA, AstC, CCAP, CCHa1, CCHa2, Dh31, Dh44, FMRFa, Mip, Ms, NPF, Proc, SIFA, sNPF and Tk. All NPs except CCAP, CCHa1, and CCHa2 showed expression in at least one cell type. We excluded spab and Nplp1 from the genes in this Figure, as it is unclear whether these are bonafide neuropeptides (M. Zandawala, pers. comm.); however, data on their expression in the listed cell types is given in Supplemental File 1. See Figures 4 and 8 for examples of the experimental data supporting these conclusions. The specific split-GAL4 driver(s) used for each cell type and other information are given in Supplemental File 1. Results are coded for signal strength by typeface as indicated. The color shading used for neurotransmitters indicates what we believe to be the most likely transmitter used by each cell type. “None detected” indicates that an experiment was performed, whereas a “—” indicates no experimental data. To determine neurotransmitter expression various combinations of probe sets were used as indicated: 1, ChAT and VAChT (choline O-acetyltransferase, and vesicular acetylcholine transporter; GAD1 (glutamate decarboxylase), vGlut (vesicular glutamate transporter); 2, ple (tyrosine 3-monooxygenase), SerT (serotonin transporter), Tbh (Tyramine β hydroxylase); 3, Tdc2 (Tyrosine decarboxylase 2), Tbh; 4, Tdc2; and 5, SerT, ple, Tdc2. In general, all lines were first probed with probe set 1 which reveals expression of genes involved in transmission by acetylcholine (ChAT), GABA (GAD) and glutamate (vGlut). Then a subset of lines was probed for genes involved in transmission by dopamine (ple), serotonin (SerT), octopamine (Tbh and Tdc2) and tyramine (Tdc2).