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[Preprint]. 2024 Oct 15:2024.10.13.24315425. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2024.10.13.24315425

Table 2:

Prevalence of Mediators and Antibiotic Use Outcomes by Treatment Group at 14- and 28-months follow-up

Any Intervention (N = 1294 Children) Control (N = 422 Children)
14 Mos. N=1151 Measurements 28 Mos. N=1170 Measurements 14 Mos. N=377 Measurements 28 Mos N=358 Measurements
Month of Measurement
Feb-May 265 (23.02%) 424 (36.24%) 139 (36.87%) 114 (31.84%)
Jun-Sep 633 (55%) 293 (25.04%) 89 (23.61%) 169 (47.21%)
Oct-Jan 253 (21.98%) 453 (38.72%) 149 (39.52%) 75 (20.95%)
Child's age 8.56 (1.74) 22.84 (2.15) 9.42 (1.72) 23.74 (1.98)
Diarrhea, Fever, ARI, or Enteric Virus 683 (64.86%) NA 238 (76.28%) NA
Diarrhea Fever, or ARI 596 (51.78%) 319 (27.69%) 198 (52.52%) 108 (31.03%)
Diarrhea 147 (12.77%) 45 (3.91%) 67 (17.77%) 17 (4.89%)
ARI 347 (30.15%) 86 (7.47%) 119 (31.56%) 38 (10.92%)
ARI with Fever 183 (15.9%) 47 (4.08%) 75 (19.89%) 20 (5.75%)
Fever (Past 7 Days) 368 (31.97%) 257 (22.31%) 126 (33.42%) 83 (23.85%)
Number of Enteric Viruses 0.38 (0.61) NA 0.60 (0.63) NA
Any Enteric Viruses 330 (31.34%) NA 163 (52.24%) NA
Any Antibiotics (Past Month) 621 (53.95%) 419 (36.06%) 221 (58.78%) 142 (39.66%)
Any Antibiotics (Past 3 Months) 807 (70.11%) 590 (50.43%) 283 (75.07%) 206 (57.54%)
Days of Antibiotic Use (Past 3 Months) 5.39 (5.61) 3.32 (4.47) 6.27 (5.91) 4.01 (4.99)
Episodes of Antibiotic Use (Past 3 Months) 1.06 (0.96) 0.65 (0.76) 1.23 (0.99) 0.77 (0.84)
Multiple Episodes of Antibiotic Use (Past 3 Months) 295 (25.63%) 132 (11.28%) 131 (34.75%) 50 (13.97%)

Sample sizes, child characteristics, mediator prevalence, and antibiotic use prevalence, in the pooled intervention vs. control arm by follow-up period. For categorical variables, the number of occurrences and percentages are reported. For continuous variables, the mean and standard deviation (SD) are reported.