Figure 4:
Neural changes and brain-behavior associations related to the NF-guided meditation training. A) Brain volume slices showing the decoupling (pink line) between the NF target (PCC in yellow) and right DLPFC (red; gPPI cluster of 26 voxels) that was significantly stronger in the experimental group vs. control group during NF-guided meditation vs. rest (session 2 FWE-p < 0.05, Cohen’s d = 0.59, N(exp) = 17, N(cont) = 17). B) Box plot of group difference (not significant) in mean PCC activation betas during NF-guided meditation vs. rest in each NF session (N(exp) = 17, N(cont) = 17). Y-axis represents mean activation values (betas). C) Box plot of group difference (not significant) in the change in PCC-DLPFC decoupling (transfer minus baseline) during non-NF meditation in session 2 (N(exp) = 17, N(cont) = 17). Y-axis represents the difference in FC correlation values. Box plots B-C show individual data points as black dots, outliers as triangles, data range as whiskers, means as dotted lines, and medians as solid lines. D) Scatter plot showing a significant positive correlation between increase in PCC-DLPFC decoupling during NF-guided meditation (y-axis; session 2 gPPI betas) and decrease in emotional distress from baseline to follow-up (x-axis; DASS-Total difference scores) (FDR-p = 0.018; uncorrected p = 0.003; rho = 0.53; N=32). E) Scatter plot showing a non-significant negative correlation between PCC-DLPFC decoupling (y-axis; session 2 gPPI betas) and SMS-Mind slopes from the 1-week meditation practice (x-axis; SMS-Mind slopes) (N = 32). F) Scatter plot showing a non-significant positive correlation between PCC-DLPFC decoupling (y-axis; session 2 gPPI betas) and change in BCT accuracy from baseline to follow-up (x-axis; difference in BCT accuracy %) (N = 31). In the scatter plots (D-F), blue dots show experimental group data, red dots show control group data, and grey shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals around the linear fits (solid black lines). PCC - posterior cingulate cortex; NF - neurofeedback; s1 - session 1; s2 - session 2; EXP - experimental group; CONT - control group; DLPFC - dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; gPPI - generalised psychophysiological; med. - meditation; rest. - restful thinking; FC - functional connectivity; DASS - Depression, Anxiety & Stress Scale; SMS - State Mindfulness Scale; A - anterior; BCT - Breath Counting Task; wk - week; P - posterior; L - left; R - right; I - inferior; S - Superior; * FDR-significant p<0.05; ** FWE-adjusted p<0.05