Primary T lymphoblasts and dual CAR T cells recognizing CD19/CD22 growing in the presence of recombinant human IL-2 cells were challenged with SEE plus SEB-pulsed Raji cells for 30 min (A), or Raji cells for 1 hr (B), respectively. After the indicated co-culture times, cell conjugates were fixed, and stained with phalloidin AF488 (green), anti-pericentrin (magenta), and anti-FMNL1 (red). Synapses were imaged with confocal fluorescence microscopy and colocalization pixels between FMNL1 (red) and F-actin (green) are represented in white (Coloc). Representative maximum intensity projection (MIP) and optical sections of synapses formed by both cell types are shown in the left-side columns. The effector T lymphocytes are labeled with a yellow arrow in these figures. The F-actin/FMNL1 colocalization coefficients measured in the IS regions of interest (ROI) are indicated in the second column. In the right-side columns, top views and IS interface views of the IS are included, as well as the F-actin IS interface architecture and microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) position. The multifocal nature of the synapse developed by CAR T cells (
Davenport et al., 2018) is evident. This figure is related to
Figure 6 and
Figure 8. The percentage of synapse conjugates substantiating endogenous FMNL1 at the IS was 15% for lymphoblasts and 12% for CAR T, respectively, with at least 120 synapses analyzed per condition. Results are representative of data from several independent experiments (n=3) with similar results.