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. 2024 Oct 18;16:1486481. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2024.1486481

Table 1.

Summary of ERP studies of early cognitive decline in older adults.

Authors (Year) Participants ERP task ERP component Amplitude effects Latency effects Other effects
Gironell et al. (2005) SMC (n = 116) Oddball P300 AD > NC, MCI, DOT Baseline P300 latency predicted AD diagnosis
Cespón et al. (2018) Low SMC (n = 18), High SMC (n = 16) Simon task P300, MFN High SMC: larger MFN for incompatible trials P300: longer for incompatible position High SMC: interference from arrow direction at slow RTs
Ulbl and Rakusa (2023) SCD, MCI, AD, NC (Review of 30 studies) Various P300, N170 SCD: reduced P300/N170 amplitudes in some studies SCD: increased P300/N170 latencies in some studies EEG: SCD showed slowing of rhythms and connectivity changes
Porcaro et al. (2019) Young (n = 15), HP Old (n = 17), LP Old (n = 14) Visual three-stimulus oddball P3a, P3b P3b: Young > HP > LP
P3a: Young > HP, LP
P3a, P3b: Young< HP, LP FSS improved detection of group differences; P3b amplitude distinguished HP from LP
Cheng et al. (2021) SCD (n = 26), NC (n = 29) Not specified MMNm SCD < HC in left IPL and right IFG MMNm amplitudes in right IFG correlated with memory performance in SCD; No GM volume differences between groups
Pei et al. (2020) SCD (n = 17) Auditory oddball MMN Increased at Pz after training Improved WM performance, especially in auditory tone 3-back task
Tarawneh et al. (2023) SMC (n = 43), non-SMC (n = 19) Auditory oddball P50, N100, P200, N200, P300 P50: Aβ+ > Aβ-; P50 latency weakly correlated with MAC-Q scores P50 latency may identify individuals at higher risk of cognitive decline
Garrido-Chaves et al. (2021) Young SMC (n = 28), Young noSMC (n = 37), Older SMC (n = 32), Older noSMC (n = 39) Iowa Gambling Task FRN, P3 FRN: Losses > Wins; Older > Young; P3: Young > Older FRN, P3: Older > Young; FRN: Older SMC > Older noSMC for losses in first block Older SMC showed worse behavioral performance in ambiguity phase
Kocagoncu et al. (2022) CF (n = 26), NC (n = 38), MCI (n = 15), AD (n = 11) Cross-modal oddball MMN CF, NC > MCI, AD for novel and associative deviants CF showed similar neurophysiological profile to NC, despite poor cognitive performance

Aβ, amyloid-β; AD, Alzheimer’s disease; AERP, auditory event-related potential; CF, cognitive frailty; DOT, dementia of other type; ERP, event-related potentials; FRN, feedback-related negativity; FSS, functional source separation; GM, gray matter; HC, healthy control; HP, high performing; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; IPL, inferior parietal lobule; LP, low performing; MAC-Q, Memory Assessment Clinics Questionnaire; MCI, mild cognitive impairment; MFN, medial frontal negativity; MMN, mismatch negativity; MMNm, magnetic mismatch negativity; NC, normal control; RT, reaction time; SCD, subjective cognitive decline; SMC, subjective memory complaints; WM, working memory.