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. 2024 Oct 31;7(10):e2442207. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.42207

Table 1. Characteristics of the Study Population.

Characteristic Participants, No. (%)
Usual care Clinician peer comparison Patient informational mail Clinician peer comparison + patient informational mail
Age, mean (SD), y 74 (7) 74 (7) 74 (7) 74 (7)
Male 79 174 (49.6) 40 929 (50.3) 48 476 (49.2) 84 819 (50.0)
Female 80 500 (50.4) 40 434 (49.7) 50 044 (50.8) 84 893 (50.0)
Case duration, mean (SD), min 100 (86) 101 (84) 95 (82) 100 (85)
ASA Physical Status classification
I: No systemic disease 1428 (0.9) 763 (0.9) 752 (0.8) 1285 (0.8)
II: Mild systemic disease 45 099 (28.3) 21 751 (26.8) 27 676 (28.1) 44 051 (26.0)
III: Severe systemic disease 92 785 (58.1) 47432 (58.3) 58 714 (59.6) 10 1782 (60.0)
IV or V: Severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life or moribund patient 20 312 (12.7) 11 375 (14.1) 11 343 (11.5) 22 519 (13.3)
Surgical procedure type
Endoscopic 31 378 (19.7) 15 024 (18.5) 20 334 (20.6) 31 873 (18.8)
General or abdominal 25 869 (16.2) 12 261 (15.1) 14 529 (14.7) 26 417 (15.6)
Orthopedic 22 167 (13.9) 12 757 (15.7) 15 279 (15.5) 24 829 (14.6)
Urologic 19 147 (12.0) 9370 (11.5) 8843 (9.0) 19 834 (11.7)
Neurosurgery or spine 17 923 (11.2) 8486 (10.4) 12 435 (12.6) 18 402 (10.8)
Cardiologic 9575 (6.0) 5661 (7.0) 6640 (6.7) 10 462 (6.2)
Vascular 5644 (3.5) 3135 (3.9) 3446 (3.5) 6211 (3.7)
Cardiac 4931 (3.1) 2740 (3.4) 3190 (3.2) 5213 (3.1)
ENT 4406 (2.76) 2164 (2.66) 2211 (2.2) 4573 (2.7)
Gynecologic 4285 (2.7) 1714 (2.1) 2597 (2.6) 4490 (2.6)
Thoracic 3894 (2.4) 2123 (2.6) 2198 (2.2) 4652 (2.7)
Ophthalmologic 3221 (2.0) 1784 (2.2) 2015 (2.0) 3072 (1.8)
Cosmetic 2970 (1.9) 1372 (1.7) 1267 (1.3) 2825 (1.7)
Radiologic 2177 (1.4) 1175 (1.4) 1546 (1.6) 2506 (1.5)
Othera 2087 (1.3) 1597 (2.0) 1990 (2.0) 4353 (2.6)
Insurance type
Commercial 13 622 (8.5) 7020 (8.6) 9144 (9.3) 15 125 (8.9)
Governmental 143 373 (89.8) 73 029 (89.8) 88 072 (89.4) 15 2084 (89.6)
Otherb 2679 (1.7) 1314 (1.6) 1304 (1.3) 2503 (1.5)
Clinician tenure in practice, median (IQR), y 9.6 (4.1-17.5) 9.6 (4.0-18.1) 10.0 (4.9-18.1) 9.0 (2.8-17.4)
Care model
Solo 56 121 (35.3) 31 824 (39.3) 35 592 (36.3) 48 286 (28.8)
Team 103 000 (64.7) 49 075 (60.7) 62 423 (63.7) 119 567 (71.2)
Service location
Inpatient hospital or ED 57 020 (35.7) 32 257 (39.6) 32 560 (33.0) 61 485 (36.2)
Otherc 102 654 (64.3) 49 106 (60.4) 65 960 (67.0) 108 227 (63.8)

Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; ED, emergency department; ENT, ear, nose, and throat.


Other surgical procedure type includes mom/baby, cardiovascular, psychiatry, radiation oncology, and not otherwise specified.


Other insurance type includes self-pay, charity care, and not otherwise specified.


Other service location includes ambulatory surgery center, physician office, and hospital-based outpatient department.