Pubmed |
1 |
“Opioid-Related Disorders”[MeSH] |
23,583 |
2 |
(opioid*[tiab] OR opiat*[tiab] OR opium[tiab] OR narcot*[tiab] OR heroin*[tiab]) AND (abuse*[tiab] OR addict*[tiab] OR dependen*[tiab] OR disorder*[tiab] OR misuse*[tiab] OR use*[tiab]) |
47,875 |
3 |
1 OR 2 |
57,461 |
4 |
(“Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation”[MeSH] OR “Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation”[Mesh]) |
11,439 |
5 |
(“transcranial magnetic”[tiab] OR “transcranial direct current”[tiab] OR “transcranial alternating current”[tiab] OR “transcranial random noise”[tiab] OR “vagus nerve stimulation”[tiab] OR TMS[tiab] OR tDCS[tiab] OR tACS[tiab] OR rTMS[tiab] OR tRNS[tiab] OR VNS[tiab] OR theta burst stimulat*[tiab] OR iTBS[tiab] OR cTBS[tiab]) |
25,919 |
6 |
(brain*[tiab] OR cortex[tiab] OR cortical[tiab] OR transcranial[tiab] OR cranial[tiab] OR magneti*[tiab]) AND (stimulat*[tiab] OR electrostim*[tiab] OR electro-stim*[tiab] OR electrotherap*[tiab] OR electro-therap*[tiab] OR excitation[tiab]) |
147,523 |
7 |
((noninvasive[tiab] OR noninvasive[tiab]) AND stimulat*[tiab]) |
8533 |
8 |
4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 |
160,330 |
9 |
3 AND 8 |
1134 |
Embase |
1 |
“narcotic dependence”/exp OR “opioid use disorder”/exp |
29,106 |
2 |
((opium:ab,ti OR opioid*:ab,ti OR opiate*:ab,ti OR heroin*:ab,ti OR narcot*:ab,ti) AND (abuse*:ab,ti OR addict*:ab,ti OR dependen*:ab,ti OR disorder*:ab,ti OR misuse*:ab,ti OR use*:ab,ti)) |
104,005 |
3 |
1 OR 2 |
114,270 |
4 |
“noninvasive brain stimulation”/exp OR “brain depth stimulation”/exp OR “transcranial magnetic stimulation”/exp OR “transcranial electrical stimulation”/exp OR “nerve stimulation”/exp |
132,172 |
5 |
“transcranial magnetic”:ab,ti OR “transcranial direct current”:ab,ti OR “transcranial alternating current”:ab,ti OR “transcranial random noise”:ab,ti OR “vagus nerve stimulation”:ab,ti OR TMS:ab,ti OR tDCS:ab,ti OR tACS:ab,ti OR rTMS:ab,ti OR tRNS:ab,ti OR VNS:ab,ti OR theta burst stimulat*:ab,ti OR iTBS:ab,ti OR cTBS:ab,ti |
2470 |
6 |
OR ((brain:ab,ti OR cortex:ab,ti OR cortical:ab,ti OR transcranial:ab,ti OR cranial:ab,ti OR magneti*:ab,ti) AND (stimulat*:ab,ti OR electrostim*:ab,ti OR electro-stim*:ab,ti OR electrotherapy*:ab,ti OR electro-therap*:ab,ti OR excitation:ab,ti)) |
189,689 |
7 |
((“noninvasive”:ab,ti OR “noninvasive”:ab,ti) AND stimulat*:ab,ti) |
12,418 |
8 |
4 OR 5 OR 6 OR 7 |
275,375 |
9 |
3 AND 8 |
3263 |
PsycINFO |
1 |
(DE “Drug Addiction” OR DE “Addiction” OR DE “Heroin Addiction” OR DE “Drug Abuse” OR DE “Substance Use Disorder” OR DE “Drug Dependency”) AND (DE “Opiates”) |
5243 |
2 |
TI((“Opioid-Related Disorders” OR opioid* OR opiate* OR opium OR narcot* OR heroin*) AND (abuse OR addict* OR dependen* OR disorder* OR misuse* OR use*))) |
6646 |
3 |
AB((“Opioid-Related Disorders” OR opioid* OR opiate* OR opium OR narcot* OR heroin*) AND (abuse OR addict* OR dependen* OR disorder* OR misuse* OR use*))) |
26,894 |
4 |
1 OR 2 OR 3 |
27,783 |
5 |
(DE “Brain Stimulation”) OR (DE “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation”) |
12,610 |
6 |
TI((“transcranial magnetic” OR “transcranial direct current” OR “transcranial alternating current” OR “transcranial random noise” OR “vagus nerve stimulation” OR TMS OR tDCS OR tACS OR rTMS OR tRNS OR VNS OR theta burst stimulat* OR iTBS OR cTBS) OR ((brain* OR cortex OR cortical OR transcranial OR cranial OR magneti*) AND (stimulat* OR electrostim* OR electro-stim* OR electrotherap* OR electro-therap* OR excitation)) OR ((non-invasive[tiab] OR non*invasive[tiab]) AND stimulat*[tiab]) |
98,508 |
7 |
AB((“transcranial magnetic” OR “transcranial direct current” OR “transcranial alternating current” OR “transcranial random noise” OR “vagus nerve stimulation” OR TMS OR tDCS OR tACS OR rTMS OR tRNS OR VNS OR theta burst stimulat* OR iTBS OR cTBS) OR ((brain* OR cortex OR cortical OR transcranial OR cranial OR magneti*) AND (stimulat* OR electrostim* OR electro-stim* OR electrotherap* OR electro-therap* OR excitation)) OR ((non-invasive[tiab] OR non*invasive[tiab]) AND stimulat*[tiab]) |
100,283 |
8 |
5 OR 6 OR 7 |
100,344 |
9 |
4 AND 8 |
843 |
Web of Science—Science Citation Index Expanded |
1 |
TS = (“OpioidRelated Disorders” OR ((opium OR opioid* OR opiate* OR heroin* OR narcot*) AND (abuse OR addict* OR dependen* OR disorder* OR misuse* OR use*))) |
65,157 |
2 |
TS = (“transcranial magnetic” OR “transcranial direct current” OR “transcranial alternating current” OR “transcranial random noise” OR “vagus nerve stimulation” OR TMS OR tDCS OR tACS OR rTMS OR tRNS OR VNS OR theta burst stimulat* OR iTBS OR cTBS OR ((brain* OR cortex OR cortical OR transcranial OR cranial OR magneti*) AND (stimulat* OR electrostim* OR electro-stim* OR electrotherap* OR electro-therap* OR excitation)) OR ((non-invasive OR non*invasive) AND stimulat*) OR “noninvasive brain stimulation” OR “brain depth stimulation” OR “transcranial electrical stimulation” OR “nerve stimulation”) |
259,687 |
3 |
1 AND 2 |
2615 |