A. Schematic representation of skin-specific AIMP1 conditional KO mice, AIMP1-KRT14-cre (fl/fl). (a) Diagram of the mouse AIMP1 locus, targeted allele, and deleted allele. Exon 2 was flanked by the loxP sequence via homologous recombination with the targeting constructs. Flanked exon2 was deleted in the presence of the Cre enzyme. The absence of exon2 disrupts the 1st ATG of the AIMP1 coding sequence. (b) Validation of AIMP1 deletion using genotyping. (c) Representative KRT14-cre; AIMP1 fl/+ (fl/+) and KRT14-cre; AIMP1 fl/fl (fl/fl) mice at 6 months. (d) Representative images of fl/+ and fl/fl mice at 0 and 5 weeks after shaving. Mice were clipped on PND 49 and treated with 100 nM of TN41 or the vehicle (con) once daily (≥2 mice per group). (e) Hair growth was measured at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks and analyzed using ImageJ software (≥4 mice per group). TN41 (100 nM). Hair growth scoring; 0%: 0, 1-33%: 1, 34-67%: 2, 68-100%. Error bars indicate mean +/- SD. ***: P < 0.001.