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. 2024 Oct 30;9(10):e015654. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2024-015654

Table 3. Provider and societal costs for digital adherence technologies (DATs) without video observation, and the standard of care (SoC) grouped by type of intervention in 2022 international dollars.

Study Country DAT pts. Cointervention Duration SOC Costs per person treated Costs included
DAT SoC Incremental
Digital pillbox studies Provider costs per person treated
Bahrainwala et al40 (2020) Madagascar 475* 6 months SAT $4797 $4765 $32 S, D, T, F, I, O
276* DOT (clinic)+SAT 6 months DOT (clinic)+SAT $1914 $1862 $51
Broomhead and Mars38 (2012) S. Africa 24* DOT (NR) 6 months DOT alone (NR) $1787 $2273 –$486 S, D, F, I
Mukora et al49 (2022) S. Africa 1305 6 months SAT $118 $67 $51 Abstract only
Nsengiyumva et al19 (2018) Brazil NR* 6 months - DS DOT (clinic) $826 $1815 –$990 S, D, T, F, I, O
18 months - DR DOT (clinic) $20 992 $24 566 –$3574
9 mo - TBIG SAT $174 $98 $76
9 mo - TBIC SAT $187 $117 $70
Saha et al33 (2022) India 200 6 months DOT (NR) $370 $269 $101 S, T, F, I
Yang et al39 (2022) Morocco 206 6 months SAT $1053 $411 $642 S, D, T, F, I, O
NR 6 months DOT+SAT§ $1968 $1635 $333
Societal costs per person treated
Manyazewal et al25 (2022) Ethiopia 52 2 months DOT (clinic) $1.85 $33 –$31 P
Nsengiyumva et al19 (2018) Brazil NR* 6 months - DS DOT (clinic) $1120 $2438 –$1318 S, D, T, F, I, O, P
18 months - DR DOT (clinic) $21 911 $26 645 –$4734
9 months - TBIG SAT $422 $326 $96
9 months - TBIC SAT $441 $353 $88
SMS studies Provider costs per person treated
Gashu et al42 (2021) Ethiopia 131 DOT (family) 4 months N/A $0.50 T (airtime only)
Louwagie et al27 (2022) S. Africa 122 Motivational interviewing 3 months SAT $554 $119 $435 S, D, F, I, O
Nsengiyumva et al19 (2018) Brazil NR* Patient reply 9 months - TBIG SAT $115 $98 $18 S, D, T, F, I, O
9 months - TBIC SAT $127 $117 $10
Peng et al26 2014) China 234 6 months DOT (NR) $71 $212 –$141 Abstract only
Societal costs per person treated
Nsengiyumva et al19 2018) Brazil NR* Patient reply 9 months - TBIG SAT $371 $326 $45 S, D, T, F, I, O, P
9 months - TBIC SAT $386 $353 $33
99DOTS studies Provider costs per person treated
Nsengiyumva et al19 (2018) Brazil NR* 6 months - DS DOT (clinic) $769 $1815 –$1046 S, D, T, F, I, O
18 months - DR DOT (clinic) $20 916 $24 566 –$3650
9 months - TBIG SAT $117 $98 $20
9 months - TBIC SAT $131 $117 $14
Nsengiyumva et al20 (2023) Tanzania 976 6 months DOT (family) $469 ($439) $0.00 $469 ($439) S, T, F, I
Bangladesh 719 6 months DOT (clinic) $280 ($231) $211 $69 ($20)
Philippines 396 6 months DOT (clinic) $308 ($229) $511 –$203 (–$281)
Thompson et al29 (2022) Uganda 1800/year* 6 months DOT (family) $963 ($163) $0 $963 ($163) S, T, F, I, O
Waswa et al28 (2022) Uganda 1086 6 months - Calc. None $76 Abstract only
Societal costs per person treated
Nsengiyumva et al19 (2018) Brazil NR* 6 months - DS DOT (clinic) $672 $1539 –$868 S, D, T, F, I, O, P
18 months - DR DOT (clinic) $13 787 $16 824 –$3037
9 months - TBIG SAT $230 $206 $25
9 months - TBIC SAT $243 $223 $20
Other studies Intervention Provider costs per person treated
Au-Yeung and DiCarlo30 (2012) USA NR* Ingestible sensors 4 months DOT (clinic)** $1618 $2289 –$671 S, D, T, F
Daftary et al31 (2017) Ethiopia 2300 (approx.) Interactive voice calls 6 months - IPT N/A $148 T
Societal costs per person treated
Au–Yeung and DiCarlo30 (2012) USA NR* Ingestible sensors 4 months DOT (clinic)** $1680 $3030 –$1350 S, D, T, F, P

Costs included S, staff; D, drugs and treatment; T, travel and supplies; F, fixed assets and technology; I, implementation; O, overhead; P, patient expenses).

TBI C Cohort modelled based on persons who were close contacts of persons with contagious TB disease. G Cohort modelled as unselected persons with TBI.

Cost in parentheses are calculated with fixed costs annuitised over a 5-year useful life.


These patients were a modelled cohort. For Broomhead and Mars,38 while the 24 patients did receive the intervention in a pilot programme, the costs were entirely modelled using literature values. For Bahrainwala et al,40 the costs are presented per diagnosed patient only (to ensure comparability between other studies). Thompson et al29 used observed costs (from 891 intervention patients) and applied them to a modelled clinic with a service volume of 1800 patients per year.

Target number of patients from protocol of parent randomised controlled trial.

This study observed costs from an implementation of 206 patients but then modelled costs in a separate scenario considering costs of retreatment, MDR development and treatment, etc.


2 months of DOT (facility details not reported) followed by 4 months of SAT. The model considers most patients as drug-sensitive (6-month treatment course); however, patients on retreatment are modelled to be treated for 8 months and MDR patients for 24 months.

Costs described as ‘running costs only’ (ie, excluding start-up costs).


3X/week DOT is shown for Au-Yeung and DiCarlo.30

DRdrug-resistantDSdrug susceptibleIPTIsoniazid preventative therapy for TBI in people living with HIVNRnot reportedSATself-administered therapySMSshort message serviceTBtuberculosisTBITB infection