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. 2024 Nov 1;11:59. doi: 10.1186/s40621-024-00547-9

Table 2.

Characteristics of exposures involving gabapentin or pregabalin as the primary substance reported to the national poison data system by bubstance, 2012–2022

Characteristics Substance
n (%)a
n (%)a
n (%)a
Male 43,525 (41.0) 6,741 (38.6) 50,266 (40.6)
Female 62,731 (59.0) 10,720 (61.4) 73,451 (59.4)
Unknown 383 61 444
Age group
≤5 years 12,750 (12.5) 2,829 (16.9) 15,579 (13.1)
6-19 years 8,892 (8.7) 1,264 (7.5) 10,156 (18.5)
20-29 years 14,038 (13.7) 1,560 (9.3) 15,598 (13.1)
30-39 years 17,385 (17.0) 2,366 (14.1) 19,751 (16.6)
40-49 years 16,322 (16.0) 2,700 (16.1) 19,022 (16.0)
50-59 years 15,340 (15.0) 2,766 (16.5) 18,106 (15.2)
≥60 years 17,411 (17.1) 3,277 (19.6) 20,688 (17.4)
Unknown 4,501 760 5,261
Type of exposure
Single-substance 66,819 (62.7) 11,409 (65.1) 77,228 (63.0)
Multiple-substance 39,820 (37.3) 6,113 (34.9) 45,933 (37.0)
Reason for exposure
Unintentional 39,480 (37.6) 7,493 (43.5) 46,973 (38.5)
 Unintentional–general 15,136 (14.4) 3,161 (18.4) 18,297 (15.0)
 Unintentional–therapeutic error 23,527 (22.4) 4,183 (24.3) 27,710 (22.7)
 Unintentional–otherb 642 (0.6) 107 (0.6) 749 (0.6)
 Unintentional–unknown 175 (0.2) 42 (0.2) 217 (0.2)
Intentional 62,498 (59.6) 8,953 (52.1) 70,451 (58.5)
 Intentional–suspected suicide 48,701 (46.4) 6,504 (37.8) 54,205 (45.2)
 Intentional–misuse 5,617 (5.4) 1,019 (5.9) 6,636 (5.4)
 Intentional–abuse 4,848 (4.6) 852 (5.0) 5,700 (4.7)
 Intentional–unknown 3,332 (3.2) 578 (3.4) 3,910 (3.2)
Otherc 2,939 (2.8) 753 (4.4) 3,692 (3.0)
Unknown 1,722 323 2,045
Management site
Managed on site (not in a healthcare facility) 32,887 (31.1) 5,719 (32.9) 38,606 (31.3)
Individual already in (en route to) a healthcare facility 63,709 (60.2) 10,004 (57.5) 73,713 (59.8)
Individual referred by poison center to a healthcare facility 8,466 (8.0) 1,512 (8.7) 9,978 (8.1)
Other 822 (0.8) 151 (0.9) 973 (0.8)
Unknown 755 136 891
Highest level of health care received
No healthcare facility treatment receivedd 33,709 (33.9) 5,870 (35.8) 39,579 (34.1)
Treated/evaluated and released 24,916 (25.0) 4,130 (25.2) 29,046 (25.0)
Admitted 38,954 (39.1) 6,033 (36.7) 44,967 (38.7)
 Admitted to a critical care unit 11,242 (11.3) 2,245 (13.7) 13,487 (11.6)
 Admitted to a non-critical care unit 9,129 (9.2) 1,583 (9.6) 10,712 (9.2)
 Admitted to a psychiatric facility 18,583 (18.6) 2,205 (13.4) 20,768 (17.9)
Refused referral/did not arrive at healthcare facility 1,996 (2.0) 381 (2.3) 2,377 (2.0)
Unknowne 7,084 1,108 8,192
Medical outcome
No effect 23,874 (23.8) 3,683 (22.4) 27,557 (23.6)
Minor effect 27,631 (27.6) 4,306 (26.2) 31,937 (27.4)
Serious medical outcome 21,505 (21.4) 4,154 (25.2) 25,659 (22.0)
Moderate effect 17,964 (17.9) 3,425 (20.8) 21,389 (18.3)
Major effect 3,452 (3.4) 722 (4.4) 4,174 (3.6)
Death 89 (0.1) 7 (0.0) 96 (0.1)
Not followedf 27,135 (27.1) 4,285 (26.1) 31,420 (26.9)
Unknowng 6,494 1,094 7,588
Total (row %) 106,639 (85.9) 17,522 (14.1) 124,161 (100.0)

aColumn percentages may not add to 100.0% due to rounding error

bIncludes unintentional-environmental, unintentional-occupational, and unintentional-misuse

cIncludes other-contamination/tampering, other-malicious, other-withdrawal, adverse reaction-drug or other

dIncludes cases for which management site was recorded “managed on site (not in a healthcare facility)” or “other”

eIncludes patient lost to follow-up/ left against medical advice/ unknown

fIncludes “not followed (minimal clinical effects possible)” and “not followed (judged as a non-toxic exposure)”

gIncludes “unable to follow (judged as a potentially toxic exposure)”