Fig. 7. Treg spatial communities are also found in human NSCLC.
(A) Thirty spatial communities detected in 135 tumor cores from 69 patients with NSCLC. The z-score of the proportion of cell subtypes, detected using the T cells and stroma antibody panel (20), in each spatial community is shown. Communities p1_C6, p1_C7, p1_C16, p1_C17, p1_C23, p1_C26, and p1_C27 (bold lettering) contain the highest proportions of Tregs. (B) Correlation between the density of stroma-localized T cell subtypes detected using the T cells and stroma antibody panel and the cell density of 10 spatial communities detected using the pan-immune antibody panel, in 66 LUAD tumor cores from 39 patients. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted using the linear mixed-effects model with patient as a random covariate; P values are unadjusted. *P < 0.05. (C) Proportion of LUAD tumor cores that contain at least 25 cells/mm2 of Treg communities (p1_C6, p1_C7, p1_C16, p1_C17, p1_C23, and p1_C27) and p2_C1: tumor border communities. Sixty-six LUAD tumor cores from 39 patients. (D) Pseudo-colored images highlighting cells in the p2_C1: tumor border communities corresponding to cells in Treg communities in serial tumor cores. (E) Per-image median distance between cells of a community and their nearest tumor cell cluster. Tumor cell clustering method described in (71). Seventy LUAD tumor cores from 40 patients. (F) Heatmap displaying the scaled proportion of CD8+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, and Tregs expressing phenotypes of interest. Color scales indicate proportion of cells considered positive, defined by a threshold. β2-Microglobulin (β2M) is expected to be expressed on all nucleated cells; therefore, this threshold indicates high or low expression (71). Seventy LUAD tumor cores from 40 patients. (G) Spearman correlation between the density of Treg communities and total harmonized tumor mutational burden. Sixty-nine LUAD cores from 40 patients and 49 LUSC cores from 21 patients. Tcm, central memory T cells; Trm, Tissue resident memory T cells; TDT, Terminally differentiated T cells; DP, double positive; aSMA, alpha smooth muscle actin.