Fig. 6. SA-induced NbNPR3 degradation is interrupted by TbCSB βC1 in a NbHSP90s- dependent manner.
a Effect of SA treatment on the degradation of NbNPR3-Flag in semi-in vivo assays. NbNPR3-Flag was expressed in N. benthamiana leaves, proteins extracted, and cycloheximide (CHX) (final concentration 100 µM) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (final concentration 20 mM) added. Next, SA or ethanol (control) was added and samples were subjected to incubation. NbNPR3-Flag protein was detected with anti-Flag antibodies. b Effect of SA on the degradation of NbNPR3-Flag in the in vivo assays. NbNPR3-Flag was expressed in N. benthamiana leaves. Leaves were sprayed with SA or ethanol (control) and five hours later collected to determine NbNPR3 levels. c Effect of MG132 on the SA-induced degradation of NbNPR3-Flag in semi-in vivo assays. DMSO was added as control. d Effect of TbCSB βC1-Flag on the SA-induced degradation of NbNPR3-Flag in semi-in vivo assay. GUS-Flag was used as control. NbNPR3-Flag was co-expressed with TbCSB βC1-Flag or GUS-Flag (control). Protein extracts were mixed with CHX, ATP and SA, and then subjected to protein degradation. e Effect of TbCSB βC1-Flag on the SA-induced degradation of NbNPR3-Flag in the in vivo degradation assay. NbNPR3-Flag was co-expressed with TbCSB βC1-Flag and treated with ethanol (control) or SA. Levels of NbNPR3-Flag and TbCSB βC1-Flag were determined five hours later. f Effect of GDA on the suppression of SA-induced degradation of NbNPR3-Flag by TbCSB βC1-Flag in the semi-in vivo degradation assay. DMSO was added as control. g, h Effect of NbHSP90-2-Flag (g) and NbHSP90-10-Flag (h) on the SA-induced degradation of NbNPR3-Flag in the semi-in vivo degradation assay. Ponceau S staining was performed to determine the amount of protein load. Source data are provided in Source Data file.