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. 2024 Nov 1;34:34. doi: 10.1038/s41533-024-00397-4

Table 2.

Disease characteristics of the SABINA III population included in the analysis (N = 4556) categorized by SABA prescriptions and SABA OTC purchase.

SABA prescriptions onlya (n = 3449) SABA prescriptions + SABA OTC purchase (n = 1107) SABA prescriptions (with and without SABA OTC purchase) (N = 4556)
Asthma duration (years)
 Mean (SD) 17.5 (15.40) 16.6 (13.20) 17.3 (14.90)
 Median (Min, Max) 12.0 (1.0, 85.0) 13.0 (1.0, 70.0) 12.0 (1.0, 85.0)
 25th and 75th percentile 6.0, 25.0 6.0, 24.0 6.0, 25.0
 Total 3449 1107 4556
GINA classification
 Step 1 301 (8.7) 126 (11.4) 427 (9.4)
 Step 2 714 (20.7) 212 (19.2) 926 (20.3)
 Step 3 781 (22.6) 220 (19.9) 1001 (22.0)
 Step 4 1136 (32.9) 351 (31.7) 1487 (32.6)
 Step 5 517 (15.0) 198 (17.9) 715 (15.7)
 Total 3449 1107 4556
Number of comorbidities
 No comorbidities 1157 (33.5) 424 (38.3) 1581 (34.7)
 1–2 comorbidities 1643 (47.6) 504 (45.5) 2147 (47.1)
 3–4 comorbidities 535 (15.5) 153 (13.8) 688 (15.1)
 ≥5 comorbidities 114 (3.3) 26 (2.3) 140 (3.1)
 Total 3449 1107 4556

Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise specified.

GINA Global Initiative for Asthma, Max maximum, Min minimum, OTC over-the-counter, SABA short-acting β2-agonist, SABINA SABA use IN Asthma, SD standard deviation.

aSABA prescriptions only do not include SABA OTC purchase.