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. 2024 Oct 12;10(20):e39341. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e39341

Table 3.

Factors influencing the preference for medicinal plants present the estimates of the coefficients of the binary logistic model. Where, significance p-value ‘∗∗∗’ 0.001 ‘∗∗’ 0.01 ‘∗’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1

Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) OR
Intercept −11.3655 3.587926 −3.168 0.001536 ∗∗
Sex −0.07096 0.546232 −0.13 0.896643 0.932
Individuals earning from Agroforestry (AFI) 0.151492 0.044443 3.409 0.000653 ∗∗∗ 1.164
Education −0.33496 0.285961 −1.171 0.241465 0.715
Challenges of medicinal plant collection −1.51703 1.07774 −1.408 0.159248 0.219
Ethnicity 0.113192 0.049517 2.286 0.022258 ∗ 1.120
Social forestry beneficiary participants 0.315263 0.818113 0.385 0.699975 1.371
Knowledge of medicinal plants 1.328981 0.653626 2.033 0.042028 ∗ 3.777
Availability of Medical facility −1.0092 0.700621 −1.44 0.149745 0.365
Family size 0.00517 0.003762 1.374 0.169327 1.005
Loan 0.065782 0.037638 1.748 0.080511. 1.068
Individuals earning income from other sources (without AFI) −0.12507 0.060984 −2.051 0.040274 ∗ 0.882
Family beliefs on efficacy of MP 0.018258 0.005749 3.176 0.001494 ∗∗ 1.018