Fig. 1.
Repeated PDFF maps of the healthy volunteer acquired with the 3 T General Electric Signa Premier (General Electric, USA) in test (A) and retest (B) setting. In this image, yellow (test) or purple (retest) box-shaped regions-of-interest (ROIs) are positioned in thoracic vertebras six to twelve and lumbar vertebras one to five. Note that for the measurements the ROIs were placed in all vertebras between the fifth cervical vertebra and the second sacral vertebra, but this is not visualized in this figure. The ROIs did not include the bone cortex and, if present, physiological or pathological deviations. The mean PDFF and corresponding standard deviation per vertebra for repeatability measurements per protocol are visualized in C. The images in A. and B. correspond to G3.0T in Figure C. PDFF = proton density fat fraction, P1.5T = Philips 1.5 T, P3.0T = Philips 3 T, G1.5T = General Electric 1.5 T, G3.0T = General Electric 3 T, v1 = version 1, v2 = version 2, C = cervical, T = thoracic, L = lumbar, S = sacral. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)